Help me ;(


Jan 21, 2004

I got a msi n-force 2 moby and a 2600 tbred

I reset my bios after a oc cause teh screen wouldn't come on and now it thinks i have a 2000xp even tho the multi and fsb is corect what should i do :(((((((
if the multiplier and fsb are correct , then it's right. it's just not reading the correct name string. check the speed, not the name
that means ur not running at the correct FSB & Multiplier
you need to fix the settings to get 166 & 12.5
thats all
Just to clarify this issue:

When you look at your BIOS you have the multiplier at 12.5 and the FSB at 166?

If this is true, but it POSTs as a 2000+, you either have some jumpers to change, though I doubt it, or your BIOS is fubared.

If the BIOS is fubared, which seems to be the case, I would flash it.

All of this is said assuming that you have it configured right, which I have suspicions about.