Help me recall a board game of the 80s (RPG?)


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 17, 2001
This is going to irritate me for the rest of the day...or until I lose interest, whichever happens first.

I recall that when I was younger I had some sort of board game with lots of individual bits of "furniture," I guess you could call them. Treasure chests, thrones, and the like. (No, it wasn't a Barbie playhouse!) 3-D stuff, made from cardboard and plastic.

I seem to recall that it was done in gothic style, maybe, with lots of brown and tan colors.

Seems like you'd put the pieces on the board for some purpose, maybe for "dynamic" game play.

The only thing that's helping jog my memory is that the environments of Neverwinter Nights really remind me of whatever game this is.

Alas, I don't recall what the object of the game was, or if it had any kind of special game board, or who made it, or what was involved. I just remember those thrones and treasure chests and whatnot.

Obviously, this is pretty far out there and is akin to asking the name of a song from the 60s whose lyrics had the word "tree." But I'm hoping someone can help me out here.

Anyone? Before my mind collapses in on itself?

I found it!

It was called "HeroQuest;" a browse over found an expansion for the original game, which further jogged my memory.

Sorry for the trouble of posting. Um, turning this into a viable thread, did anyone play this? ;)
Hahah. Your going to think this is sad, but me and my friends still bring out Hereos Quest at least once a year from some good board game dungeon hacking.
Originally posted by Beowulf
Hahah. Your going to think this is sad, but me and my friends still bring out Hereos Quest at least once a year from some good board game dungeon hacking.

I don't think it's sad at all. I'm actually considering buying the game again.

I just looked on eBay, though, and I see that near-mint games are going for around $50 a piece! Too bad I didn't save mine. I always, always kept all the pieces to my games.
I used to play a little Hero Quest with some friends. We ended up switching over to Battle Masters by the same people.
I had that game, and one of the expansion packs that gave you new missions and monsters and furniture. Actually, I bet if I look hard enough I might still have it. Well, next time I got back to my parent's place I might look for it.:D
I still have that game! It's sitting in my mom's garage back home. I'll have to bring it home and set it up :D
Originally posted by kennyfett
No, but 'Dark Tower' RULED!!!

Hey, I was just thing about that game when I clicked on the thread!

That's the game with the tower in the middle with the spinning (like a slot machine) mechanism, right? The spinning mechanism determined your encounters, as well as the outcomes of the battles. I think the bad guys were monsters called 'brigands'. And you could buy stuff at the bazaars.

I had that as a kid, my mom found it at a garage sale I think. I've NEVER seen any mention of the game since...

That brings back memories!
BTW, AXIS and ALLIES owned all board games!

Until I lost 90% of the pieces...

I think I might look for a copy of that game, I hope it won't cost a fortune.
yeh. i saw the name of this thread and i knew right away which game it was. heh.
<3 cheesy rpg boredgames.
Originally posted by kennyfett
No, but 'Dark Tower' RULED!!!

I was thinking about the exact same game...

I hear they're selling nowadays for $200+ on ebay, last time I checked. :)
I also had this game (Heroquest) played it for many years, not sure what I ended up doing with it though.. Was alot of fun to play...
Lol! I SO knew what game you were talking about as soon as you mentioned the furniture. Hero Quest was a great game; I think I still have it in my basement, but I never play it anymore. Does anybody else remember the REALLY cheesy tv ads they had for it at the time? All I remember is some 12 year-old with a mushroom cut vehemently saying "Fire of Wrath!"
Ahh, Hero Quest.

Great boardgame. My buddies and I used to play it in grade school and junior high... lots of fun, I remember.

I still have the game and the expansion packs... Somewhere. Thanks for the reminder to break that out.