Help me pick a FPS for PS2


Limp Gawd
Jul 29, 2004
My son get a copy of medal of honor 2: Frontline for PS2 yesterday for his birthday. He's 9 and doesn't like it because it makes him do missions rather than just jumping in a playing. He's been playing Battlefield 2 on my PC and likes that. Is there any older (since I want to exchange MOH2 and it was only $6) PS2 games that you think he might like. He seems to like the more army oriented ones although he has Star Wars battlefield and likes that as well. Thanks for any suggestions as I'm not a big FPS player so I don't have much experience with these titles.
Splinter Cell
Ghost Recon
Rainbox Six

...There are probobly 4 or more versions of each of those games. He'll probobly enjoy playing some of these even more with an internet connection.
TimeSplitters 2 is alright. Although the single player is objective based. The meat of the game is the multiplayer. Just think Goldeneye with bots. There's also some neat mini-games in it like throwing bricks through windows, surviving a zombie horde and finding monkeys.

Red Faction is a good game that is pretty much straight forward with no objectives (that I can remember).

There's also Half-Life...
Killzone, Black... those are good ones. (Although I haven't played Killzone longer than 20 minutes... it seemed fun.)
I think Timesplitters 2 would be right up his alley. It's got both conventional weapons and Sci-Fi so you've got both Battlefield and Battlefront covered. Plus it's got a very pickup and play oriented singleplayer campaign as well as an easy to setup botmatch interface.
Lamont said:
Killzone, Black... those are good ones. (Although I haven't played Killzone longer than 20 minutes... it seemed fun.)
Killzone was an ok game, nothing great mind you. It plays like it was rushed out the door too quickly. :)