Help me patch COD...


Nov 10, 2002
So I re-installed winXP pro last week and I have all my games installed on the D: partition where as the OS is on C: When I go to patch COD it says it cannot find it installed. So Im guessing it looks in the registry for an installed version? COD still plays fine, it just wont let me patch it. Is there anyway to patch it w/o re-installing it?
Tried putting the patch in the COD folder and running it, but it did not find a valid installation of COD...

Anyone else have any suggestions? Looks like I must re-install it :(
You would need to put all the registry keys back in that CoD created during install. That would be a bitch. Just reinstall.
yea had this same problem with ravenshield. and even when i imported the registry keys, windows STILL thought it wasn't installed. only way was to really install it.