
Jan 30, 2004
wat to dooooooooo?????????????????????????????????? helpppp??? :confused:
Did you even listen to what the sarge told you?

You can pick either one he said. Extending the service bridge would be safer, but the lights are fried in the area. Activating the system would be very dangerous for you, but also for the evil baddies.

Take your pick. ;)
I picked extending the service bridge. Pretty dark, but it was pretty easy. Haven't tried the other choice.
yeah but sarge said it will take me longer, i want to finsh this damn game already.
Take your time and enjoy it :)

btw, your just barely behind me. I'm stuck on the spider queen right now. She keeps owning me :( :eek:
I don't think he, me, I mean him...No sorry that was right, he is even 1/4 the way through yet.
Damnnit How Long Is This Game
Gamespot Said I Can Finsh In 15hourrs, Ive Been Playing Total Of 6 Hours And Im Not Even 1/4 Thru Yet?
xdviper said:
Damnnit How Long Is This Game
Gamespot Said I Can Finsh In 15hourrs, Ive Been Playing Total Of 6 Hours And Im Not Even 1/4 Thru Yet?
You've never played KOTOR have you? :p

And btw, Gamespot lied to you. I know, shocking. :rolleyes: :p That one review, what was it PCGamer or something? They said that they did it in 24 hours or something...
A typical player, I'd say 25-30 hours. If you just run through it, then yeah, maybe 15-20, but if you crawl through, checking out the corners, and taking time to cry a little after having the beejeebus scared out of you, then 25-30 ;-)
xdviper said:
how many levels r there in dis game. who here has finshed the game???

dude I got up to that about like 10 minutes after the shit hit the fan, and oyu already want to be done? try and enjoy the game, newb. :rolleyes:

btw if you stop at every place like that and wonder what to do, you will be done the game in about 3 months...
I fired up the EFR and jumped in, because I thought the service bridge would be a trap. It wasn't that hard, and going through the machine is pretty cool.
the bridge was easy as hell. just wait for it to deploy, take out the shotgun, and RUN! blow anything in your way OUT of your way :p
I thought the Hell map was very good and challenging....once I got past it the game changed and I think it is more intense then before. Maps before that seemed easier for some reason.....
xdviper said:
wat to dooooooooo?????????????????????????????????? helpppp??? :confused:

For split second I thought that was a real pic. Until I saw the jaggies on the shadow and the hud.
I have just finished the Hell level, thought that was the end of the game :D Glad I still have some more to do.
msny said:
I thought the Hell map was very good and challenging....once I got past it the game changed and I think it is more intense then before. Maps before that seemed easier for some reason.....

well... i can think of 2 off-hand:

those "barons of hell" style folks show up now
they tend to warp in 4 guys at once, instead of 1 or 2
milling_hordesman said:
well... i can think of 2 off-hand:

those "barons of hell" style folks show up now
they tend to warp in 4 guys at once, instead of 1 or 2

dont you DARE insult the baron of hell, the greatest guy :D those punks are just archviles, theyre lame. they were even lamer in doom2 when they always hit you (as I remember it)
Munka said:
dude I got up to that about like 10 minutes after the shit hit the fan, and oyu already want to be done? try and enjoy the game, newb. :rolleyes:

btw if you stop at every place like that and wonder what to do, you will be done the game in about 3 months...

Notice in the screenshot that he already has the Soul Cube. Cheating goes a long way towards cutting down on a games fun factor. Don't get me wrong, after I beat a game I'll go back and play around with the cheats, but never until I beat the game.
Not only does he have the soul cube already. He has all the other weapons too.

I know it's up to you whether you cheat in sp, but I would recommend not cheating in sp unless absolutely necessary. As the guy above me said it detracts from the gameplay a lot.
alphaone said:
Did you even listen to what the sarge told you?

You can pick either one he said. Extending the service bridge would be safer, but the lights are fried in the area. Activating the system would be very dangerous for you, but also for the evil baddies.

Take your pick. ;)

Did anyone even look at that picture? That's not the part where you extend the service bridge or not, it's where you decide to send a distress signal to the fleet or not. Sheesh.

BTW, it makes no difference what you do (I didn't send) ;)
alphaone said:
Not only does he have the soul cube already. He has all the other weapons too.

I know it's up to you whether you cheat in sp, but I would recommend not cheating in sp unless absolutely necessary. As the guy above me said it detracts from the gameplay a lot.
how the hell do you guys know i have all the weapons. the only cheat i used was to get all the weapons. i DONT use any GOD mode or anything or i DONT use the GIVE AMMO cheat. I just wantted to have a sneak at the weapons so i used the GIVE ALL cheat.
alphaone said:
Take your time and enjoy it :)

btw, your just barely behind me. I'm stuck on the spider queen right now. She keeps owning me :( :eek:

I had to cheat to beat her...on veteran i was just to noob to take her out. It didn't help that I had wasted all my bullets and only had a few rounds left either... :eek:
HOLY MONKEY OF GOD PEOPLE! that wasnt the link of the service bridge! one dumb n00b makes a mistake and the whole thread is gone, sry to the dumb n00b for calling you a dumb n00b. but anyways, that is from the part when you decide whether to call the fleet or not. i sent the message, but then i felt bad, cause the counselor was like "YOU FOOL" and then he just left. that was odd. and another thing, wts whoever was like "for a second i thought that was a real picture until i saw the jaggies around the ..." IT IS A REAL PICTURE N00B! sry for being so harsh, but i dont take kindly to ignorance.
Um...WTF??? The picture changed :mad:

It was originally a screenie of the part where you extend the efr bridge.

I already Beat it on Marine difficulty now I am playing it on Veterain mode so far it is a little harder. First time I extended the bridge when I was in Marine mode the second time I did it the other way. You just had to run and jump alot in that part I am currently past the Tram on my way to Delta labs. Also when you get to the last boss go left instead of right first and then duck under the ledge. That is where the ID Easter egg is. :D
xdviper said:
how the hell do you guys know i have all the weapons. the only cheat i used was to get all the weapons. i DONT use any GOD mode or anything or i DONT use the GIVE AMMO cheat. I just wantted to have a sneak at the weapons so i used the GIVE ALL cheat.

because we can see on the bottom right corner, you have all the weapons. When someone already has endured the game rather than taking the easy way and using give all/god/give ammo, he/she kind of knows how the game works. And yeah, I am suure that the temptation wasn't there to keep firing the BFG once you took a good look at it :rolleyes: