Help me find an extension for Firefox 3 for X buttons...

Apr 22, 2008
heys guys,

Upgraded to firefox 3 and I love it, faster and such. One thing I don't love about it though, is my add ons and extensions are no longer compatible. What I'm looking to have is X (close) buttons on every tab and a common one at the right of the tab strip. By typing in "about:config" firefox allows you to have either of these setups (common close button or 1 per tab), but not both. So, if someone knows an extension or add on that can add this functionality it would be much appreciated. I know this setup is possible as its what Ive been using for as long as I can remember (but does require add ons of course)

Sounds like a job for Tab Mix Plus. You can find the FF3 compatible developer's build here:

The bright blue "Dev-Build" link will grab the .xpi installer file. Personally I get rid of the Close buttons on tabs almost immediately with a fresh install of FF, any version. I can't stand 'em, and feel it's simply a waste of time to have yet another button wasting space when I can just wheel-click a button to close it. It's more reliable to me, and with Tab Mix Plus involved, if I do accidentally close a tab, all I have to do is wheel-click the Tab bar one time immediately after that tab closed to re-open it once more.

Pretty neat feature, and I can control how many previously closed pages/tabs I can restore with a wheel-click on the Tab bar.

Tab Mix Plus is a pretty damned spiffy add-on and highly recommended.

If you have issues with add-on/extension compatibility, you can use the Nightly Tester Tools from:

to "force" almost every FF2-era add-on or extension to work in FF3. Also, a lot of add-ons and extensions can be easily modified to work in FF3 with a simple edit of a config file. .xpi installers are just Zip files. Make a copy of the original .xpi (download them, obviously), rename the file to *.zip and extract the contents. Find the install.rdf file, open it with Notepad or whatever text editor you prefer and look for the line that says:


where <x> is a number, typically in the format of x.y like 1.5 but it could be something like 2.0.0.* which covers the whole FF2 development tree. I use Fasterfox which didn't/doesn't have an actual FF3 compatible version yet, but all I had to do was change that line in Fasterfox (which reads em:maxVersion="2.0.0.*" by default) to read em:maxVersion="3.0" and now it works without issues in FF3.

Once you change that variable save the install.rdf file and then re-save all the content you originally extracted from the .xpi file as a *.zip file (another one, don't overwrite the original unless you don't want it anymore), and then change the name on the newly modified installation file to *.xpi. Open Firefox, choose File - Open File and browse for it, load it, restart Firefox, and voila... it should work just fine.

I've done this modification to about 15 FF2 add-ons/extensions I have, and only 5 of them currently have actual FF3 versions out now - and all the developer did was change that em:maxVersion= variable just like I did.

Good luck...