Help me decide: S1283 or ZeroTherm FZ120


Dec 1, 2005
Both from newegg:
Xigmatek HDT-S1283 for $22 shipped after rebate


ZeroTherm Zen FZ120 for $14 shipped after rebate

Will be cooling an old S939 Athlon64 X2 4400+ (Toledo core) with Tuniq TX-2 compound. Both seem to perform close to one another based on a few reviews i've seen and both are on FrostyTech's top heatsink lists. I'm not shooting for the moon, i'm just looking for something that is pretty cheap that performs relatively well (i'm upgrading from a quickly lapped stock setup) mainly to quiet down my system and hold out a little longer to see how Deneb comes out and give i7 some time to mature and hopefully drop in price.

Couple things to note, as of now, are the rebates. The Xigma is cheaper pre-rebates and with the rebates controversy going on, i'm not sure i wanna deal with it, even though i checked and the ZeroTherm rebate isnt affected by the CPG issues.

Second, silence (relative to stock) is a big player. According to FrostyTech's acoustic samples, the Xigma is quieter at low speeds but louder at high speeds and i dont have any kind of fan controller. So i'm limited to what i can do with software or BIOS with my Asus A8N32-SLi Deluxe.

I'm leaning towards the Xigma since it seems to be a little more established as a good cooler, but this is a relatively old system and there really isnt any point to dumping much money into it, which is why i'm looking at the cheaper ZeroTherm.

Also, any known clearance issues with the A8N32?

So i'd like to just hear some input from others who may have one or the other or both.
S1283 the end. If you are really concerned about $$ and MIR's the S1283 is cheaper on the day of purchase by $12. Even if you get the rebate 2 months later its only going to be an $8 difference. Add to that the S1283 is just a better cooler period.
You'll probably want the retention bracket for the Xigmatek. I'm building a new Intel rig, and I'm getting the Xigmatek with the bracket.

Older systems still need love. ;)
Well, i was getting measurements to make sure they would fit and i came to realize that the S1283 is rotated 90 degrees from what i thought it would, which puts the cooling fins over the first two DIMM slots. The LegitReviews article ( i'm looking at says the clearance is 1-3/16" for the cooling fins, which is too low for my Corsair Pro series ram modules (~1-3/4" tall). Dang.