Help GTX 260 Core 216 Owners


Limp Gawd
Nov 10, 2007
Do any of you have FurMark installed currently? I ask because my numbers seem somewhat low. I just want to double check with some other GTX 260 Core 216 owners to see if the numbers I'm seeing are decent or not. After seeing my friends slightly overclocked 4830 score higher I figured something was up.


I'm also getting stuttering in WoW, it gets progressively worse until I drop to 0FPS and I'm forced to restart the game, Empire: Total War gets white colored checkerboard artifacts, DoD: Source also stutters quite badly, and L4D has made my PC BSOD 4 times. :(

The rest of my system specs are in my sig.
call evga, your video card might be defective

hows the temp?
card overclocked?

I'm also getting stuttering in WoW, it gets progressively worse until I drop to 0FPS and I'm forced to restart the game, Empire: Total War gets white colored checkerboard artifacts, DoD: Source also stutters quite badly, and L4D has made my PC BSOD 4 times. :(

The rest of my system specs are in my sig.
call evga, your video card might be defective

hows the temp?
card overclocked?

Temps are good, I even upped the fan speed in rivatuner to make sure it wasn't a heat issue, and I'm still getting problems. The card has never been overclocked.
I get even slightly less than you for Furmark benchmark test (4077) min 59, max 90, avg 68. My card not O/C at all. I thought that performance was Ok until you said it was too low. I'm on the latest (non beta nVidia drivers).

I'll try to keep tabs on this thread to see if theer is a magic 'boost' trick (besides O/C that is...)
Hey JC, I am running the same processor and card as you. I just started playing WoW again yesterday and it is running very smooth. In Dalaran I was at 50fps and while traveling between areas by cat 120-130fps. Thats everything set to max except shadows. 1680x1050 4xAA+16xAniso. I am using the 182.50's and from reading over at guru3d I am not going to bother with the 185 series. Left 4 Dead runs outstanding also.

What drivers are you running?
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This is at a higher res:

Also, for shits and giggles I ran it at the 1280x1024 mark and scored lower than you! Since my games are running great and system is stable, I wouldn't put to much weight on furmark for a benchmark. With nVidia drivers, clean the old drivers out, reboot, install new ones. Always worked better than installing over the old ones for me.
Alright, played some DoD:S and L4D, the problems seem to have gone with the driver update. I feel stupid because drivers are usually among the first things I check.
Thats no biggie. Just glad you fixed it. Yeah, I would not base my machines performance on some these benchmarks unless its an actual in game benchmark.
I downloaded and ran Furmark, and got 5012 on a GTX 275 @ Stock/Q9450 @ 3.2 GHz setup, so I think your numbers look about right.