help getting started for a new EQ player

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Deleted member 68403

Hey all. I tried Everquest about 5 years ago and I played it for about 2 months casually. It didn't really hold my interest so I abandoned it. However, one of my best friends is getting ready to start up EQ again. He has been EQ-free for about a year, but his wife is giving him permission to play again :), so I told him I'd try EQ again with him. However, he is an EQ genius whereas I will be basically starting brand new. I was wondering if there are any good resources for a beginning EQ player? Some thoughts to keep in mind while playing? What class is best suited for a beginning player? Are any of the EQ books at Barnes and Noble worth reading? Any good websites with lots of information for a beginning player? Thanks in advance.
From what I've seen, in the past year alone, EQ has changed a LOT, so your friend may be in for a surprise if he goes back.

Why not hold off until EQ2 ships? Then you'd both be on more level ground. ;)

EverQuest 2 Home Page

In either case, the best way to learn it is to play it, books can help some, but they don't give you a good "feel" for how the game engine handles things.

Note: I played the original EQ for about 5 years before getting bored with it, but I'm eagerly awaiting EQ2.
Call your family, friends, and job and tell them you will soon begin to disappear from their lives.
Well, I played for a couple hours yesterday and got the feel of the game. I made a Froglock Paladin, however, I really don't know what skills and attributes I should be pursuing. There's so much information to take in, it gets really confusing. I wish there was a good resource I could use to make more sense of it all.
I'd be happy to help out a fellow Utahn. First off, don't bother with any books from B&N, you'll just be wasting money because you can get more and better info for free one the net! Head over to the paladin boards and introduce yourself, and you'll get plenty of info on where to hunt, what weapons and gear to use and some of the strategies. Here's the link:

The poster that said EQ has changed a lot in the last year is right on. There is a few things to keep in mind however. Because you are playing with a friend I think it's important to play classes that compliment each other, which is pretty important in EQ later in the game. IE a good compliment to a paladin would be a healer, shaman druid or cleric. But at the early stages of the game you can usually do pretty well on your own.

Good luck and have fun!
Not trying to disuade anyone, as some people do actually get enjoyment out of EQ, but I tried it and was bored in a week. I honestly have had more fun with Lineage 2 and City of Heroes. Of course, the WoW beta is greater than those two combined, but I dont want to play it again till its finished. Its still VERY buggy.
I played EQ for awhile and honestly the books are worthless, only advice I have is to play around with a couple different classes to see what fits you best. The biggest deal is the complimenting classes, that will help out a bunch. I am also waiting for eq2 as others probably are, but for the time being eq will be a good alternative. I will be on the opposite side of the spectrum here, but I tried playing WoW in the stress test beta, and couldn't for the life of me bring myself to enjoy it. But that is my view of the game, some like it, I just didn't.
I have a 65 monk atm, most would say that its not worth playing a monk or shaman but that beastlord is best bang for your buck. I love my monk and it just depends if you have friends to play with, which you do and just play for the sake of playing.
Thanks to all who provided great ideas, especially SimpleMinded and Boogalo. I have 6 hours and 5 minutes playtime on my new character. I have a level 9 Froglok Paladin. I'm trying to decide what skills to invest in right now, but I'm having fun, and that's all that really matters :)
I'm holding out the couple of months until EQ2 is out. I've never played EQ1, but have recently become interested. I figure it's better to start fresh with EQ2.
I played for some time, up to 50. My most important piece of advice is to enjoy the journey. While I quit a long time ago, I once experienced the high end game (which was, at the time, the planes). No, I'm not talking about PoP, I'm talking about pre-Kunark stuff.

While some high-end stuff was very cool (doing the soulfire quest for the first time, Lower Guk, Mistmoore), the most memorable times I had were at the beginning, exploring places like Neriak, Greater Fay, Crunchbone, etc.

"Grinding" will quickly take away the fun from any game, and I ground too much in Kunark and Vellious with other characters. Take your time, do lots of quests, and try to form groups and hunt in places other than the mainstream (oasis was very populated back in the day).

I'm sure the game has changed so much today... I'm excited for EQ2. Currently in the WoW beta, and have mixed feelings on that...
dawtips said:
not if u dont like guilds!

Or better gameplay... saving money, and playing a game made by the 'real' creators of Warcraft, Diablo, and Starcraft, not the left behind Blizzard. Guild Wars is a far superior game to WoW hands down.
have u guys actually played Guild Wars? how do you know that the gameplay will be great?
Many people have played Guild Wars, sir. It was made available during this year's E3 show.
They had a E3 for Everyone Demo that was in the Alpha stages and was utterly amazing I must say. By far the best online gaming experience I've ever had, and I"ve been PC gaming since um... 1991 or so.

No monthly charge, OUTSTANDING ingame MMOG graphics, the creative division from Blizzard that broke off to form Arena-net (publisher) behind it, rave reviews, gameplay based on skill and not time played. If you dont play right, you die. Take over castles ... tax peons, burn down forests and have them stay like that on the server... no server downtime for updates... as the game streams updates while you play in the background not affecting gameplay at all.

All of this makes for one of the best game experiences I've ever had. WoW and EQ2 look good... if you like paying each month, level grinding, slow MMOG gameplay. The pre-order is released on 9/13/04. If you buy it you reserve your name, with countless other features, and you guarantee yourself a spot in the beta coming up.

If you're a graphics junkie... compare these in game screen shots to any other MMOG out there or coming out in the next year...

again ... Guld Wars > WoW
IMO of course :p
EQ is an ok game, it's some of the other people playing that have...issues.
The one thing everquest still has over everyone else is the community, and the fun factor in playing with other people. It also has tons more content than anything else I've seen. If you don't like other people, but still want immersive environments, I suggest AO (anarchy online). None of the upcoming MMORPGs look that great to me. I've heard that EQ2 has a leveling system akin to Galaxies, which really turns me off to it. Blizzard making an MMORPG is like toyota building a helicopter; It may turn out well, but it certainly isn't what they have experience in.

Any other [H] readers on torvo?

Insonus Apokiaxo, 36 Rogue, master of the dark blue pajamas.
no other MMO has been able to duplicate the feel I got from UO (started couple days before trammel). (PlanetSide, Horizons, WoW-Beta (gave to a friend), what else have I tried...

Skill based > item based
I am totally loving EQ right now. The game is so much fun when you play with a group of your friends. I figured I should post a picture of my Froglok Paladin, Nodak, for all you guys to see :)

Not to rag on you guys, but how do you find the time to play mmorpg's? I personally tried one several years ago while in college and noticed it sucked way too much of my time away to actually get anywhere in the game. I assume EQ is the same way.

Just wondering how many hours you guys spend on these games a week. I wouldn't mind playing a game for a few hours a week, but I don't know if I can justify the monthly expense, or actually control my time that well. I feel like I would end up sitting down after dinner and play and then look at my watch and notice it is 3am.

So are there any mmorpgs that don't require much time to get stuff done? Or should I just stick with my first person shooters?
CyberCRAP said:
Not to rag on you guys, but how do you find the time to play mmorpg's? I personally tried one several years ago while in college and noticed it sucked way too much of my time away to actually get anywhere in the game. I assume EQ is the same way.

Just wondering how many hours you guys spend on these games a week. I wouldn't mind playing a game for a few hours a week, but I don't know if I can justify the monthly expense, or actually control my time that well. I feel like I would end up sitting down after dinner and play and then look at my watch and notice it is 3am.

So are there any mmorpgs that don't require much time to get stuff done? Or should I just stick with my first person shooters?

Well, I tried EQ about 5 years ago. I really couldn't get into it, and so I quit after about 2 months. I kept thinking to myself that I would have to play EQ 25 hours a week to have a fun time.

Almost 5 years later, I am totally loving the game. I play for 2 hours every Tuesday and Thursday, and then I play for a few hours on the weekend.

As far as the monthly fee goes, I look at it like this. I love Counter-Strike. I was the 27th person to download CS Beta 1 off of fileplanet many years ago. My friends and I would play it over the internet everyday after school and on top of that, my friends and I would have LAN Parties at our houses every weekend, where we'd play from Friday after school to Sunday night. We played thru all the betas until shortly after CS non-beta 1.0 was released. Then the hackers started popping up, a bunch of jerks started playing, and the whole experience lost its luster. Now imagine if I could have paid $10 a month to guarantee a hacker free CS experience and a great community. I would have paid a heck of a lot more than $10, and I'd very likely still be playing CS to this day. Nowadays, I only play CS at LAN Parties.

I compare that to EQ. Yeah, you will have to pay money every month to play as opposed to buying a game once and then that's it. And I don't necessarily think paying every month is the best idea for consumers. However, I have never heard any player in EQ tell another player to "STFU N00B!" or "OMG U H4X0R!". So to me, I really don't mind the monthly fee, seeing as it helps provide the best possible experience.

As far as time concerns go, first person shooters easily win. However, EQ does have a timer where you can set how long you want to play for, and when your time is up, it lets you know so you don't spend too much time playing or get lost in time. Still, I prefer first person shooters to mmorpgs. Although after playing nothing but first person shooters coupled with the occasional strategy game, I'm due for a good mmorpg experience.

Just my two cents.
I had the luck of having about 4 real life friends who were always playings to help me along and me help them. We would all pretty much hold off playing during the week, due to school. Though on weekend in highschool, we would play a lot. Then during the summer who knows how much time we would waste, LANing at our houses and staying up all night. Now that i am in college, its hard to manage time and play, so i usually don't play much or limit myself to like 2-3 hours every other night. Planes of Power made leveling very easy and could exp with groups for a little bit or mess around with friends. So playing really requires friends time management :-p
It seems NCsoft will be pretty much forcing their playerbase to buy chapters (expansions) in order for a guild to advance in the storyline.

In regards to the original poster.I suggest to take your time and explore as early as level 20 or so.There have been numerous revamps to the original dungeons.

Unfortunately I no longer play eq.although I suggest you take a browse through for the players on the E`ci server.
My suggestion is dont play it...far too for questions you stated your friend is a eq genius...why not ask him.
Shane said:
My suggestion is dont play it...far too for questions you stated your friend is a eq genius...why not ask him.

He is a genius, but he also gets very impatient. However, he introduced me to one of his friends who is also a genius, but has tons of patience and does not mind answering all my questions, even if they seem or are stupid.