HELP! Flashing BIOS and I dont know what to do now.

Sep 12, 2006
I am force flashing my bios because I have an alienware computer and they wont let you update unless it is their approved update. anyways, I got to one particular screen and now I dont know what to do.:(

This is the screen I am at.

What do I do now?
You would probably hit the enter key to flash the BIOS.

I tried that and it does nothing. it has sat on that screen with no other instructions for about an hour now. when it started running it filled up the box in the middle with white blocks (write ok) and then started to verify the flash memory and said 7FFFF OK then stopped doing anything.

It isnt finished flashing is it? This is my first time flashing my BIOS.
Assuming all the boxes filled up as white, it should be done.
Assuming all the boxes filled up as white, it should be done.

So what do I do now? do I shut off the computer? should I just hold down the power button until it shuts off then pull the plug in the back then clear the CMOS with the jumpers then reboot into BIOS and set everything up again?
I'd just hit CTRL+ALT+DEL and reboot it, assuming you think it completed...which is appears to have by the picture.