Help finding a new case?


Jul 17, 2003
ok so I found this computer case months ago, and I thought it was really cool, but I didnt really need it, so I forgot about it (its name, everything).

I originally found it at a Fry's, and looked up reviews online using its name (which I forgot).

Its a case that comes in a small box, its made up of girders, screws, brackets, and stuff, and its like an erector set for your machine to be built in. I'm getting a new desk with an enclosure for a PC, and I want to build it inside there, but I have to find it now....

The case came with different configuration instructions (like, an elephant shape, and airplane shape, and a mid tower case shape (with plexi sides).

I really want to find it, but hours on google and and everywhere I can think of have yielded nothing. Does anyone know the name of the case Im thinking of?
thank god, thats exactly what I was looking for...

you wouldnt believe how hard it is to find something when you dont know what its called!

Time to order, if I get everything sorted out with my new desk Ill have an integrated mod system to put up here :D