Help find me a desk ! ... plz

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Limp Gawd
Jun 15, 2004
My setup outgrew my desk a few years ago, and in what was supposed to be a temporary solution, I used an old microwave cart to extend my usable space. This has worked ok from a functional standpoint, but looks like total garbage:

The point of this post, is that I am having a very difficult time finding a desk to replace my ghetto setup. I've been looking for a long time now, and am hoping that maybe [H] might have some ideas.

What I need:

- Desk needs to be 60" wide or better, with a full width upper shelf capable of supporting ~50lbs of audio equipment.

- Must have enough room for 2 full towers, preferably under the desktop yet off of the floor.

- Nothing in the way of where your feet/legs should go. I've seen many desks, that are otherwise decent, have supports, or space for the tower, or a drawer, right in front of where you sit. How am I supposed to stretch out my legs on hour 4 of mixed mode BC2 ? :D

Basically, if I could mirror the right section of my desk, where the Stacker is, and have that on the left as well, that would be perfect.

Does such a desk exist ?
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