help figuring out if old rig is worthy of upgrades

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Oct 2, 2008
Hey community,

Been inactive for a spell, and haven't really touched my desktop rig in a while (been playing the new 360 + hitting the books hard for a spell)

From what I remember I bought it back in 2010 or late 2009 from ebay (prebuilt from some guy in cali) using bing cashback.

Asrock P55Twins1600 Mobo with a Intel dualcore e8400 3.0 in it. Think it has one pci-e 2.0 slot (correct me if I'm wrong on any account) and it came with a ati radeon 4850 (don't know the specific make e.g EVGA/ Galaxy) or if it's stock cooler, ect.

It has the possibility for ddr3 (not sure what mhz) but I've been running 2 x 2gig sticks of ddr 2 - 1600??? that it came with.
It has an old 500 or 320 gig hard-drive, and whatever optic drive (who uses this anymore?)
Been using the onboard audio 5.1's, (with 2.1 speaker set-up)

not sure about the case (huge one) but is def a full size, with lots of room in it currently as I don't have much stuff to filll it.

The only thing I've done to it is get rid of the stock power supply the guy sent it with (couldn't power the 4850 and an xbox controller till I did that lol) and install a decent one I got from a slickdeal (550 or 600, quality)

last games I played on it were bf bc2 and S.C 2 which both ran fine (although not good at top settings obv.) and the gpu does produce a fair amount of heat (i have a side-case fan, andfan in front of the front vent of the case after the harddrive slots) so I would usually have the gpu fan on 55-65 during gameplay.

I'm wanting to upgrade this system if recommended by yall for diablo 3 and guild wars 2 among other things if you guys recommend it, and I've been seeing some great deals on gpu's on slickdeals ( & (

So these cards are nvidea's 480 and 570 respectively (EVGA & galaxy)

Would these cards work with my mobo, and would they be worth it considering my processor bottleneck (e8400 3.0, mobo won't take any other worthwhile upgraded cpu *pretty sure*) and would I need to upgrade my 500-600 watt quality powersupply? I'm obv not thinking of xfire or sli since I don't have two slots. I do have a power atx cable or whatever you call it which currently powers my 2-3 y.o 4850.

I also want to install a new solid state, and a new disc hard-drive as the current hard-drive is getting full and I've got a decent amount of content. I believe if I install windows and games on the solid state it should boost my performance. How do I go about doing this and do I need to know anything fancy before I buy... say this solid state

or this disc drive

is there anything I need to know about installing these to my motherboard (again asrock p55twins1600), and also is it even worth it to purchase the s.s.d as far as increase in gaming performance in concerned.

I also want to purchase 8 gigs of ddr3 ram, which I believe will not work in concert with the currently running ddr2. Now which mhz should I buy exactly, and do you guys have any recommendations on what to purchase? Will the memory allow for greater stability of performance?

Basically guys I'm ready to either think of learning to build my own (if you recommend I abandon current system) or I am ready to upgrade the old rig if it still has some gaming life in it. I would rather do a retrofit rather than a full motherboard replacement as I'm obviously a total helpless noob, and I don't exactly have alot of time to learn or invest in a new motherboard build. However I don't want to spend money needlessly, and the current video card/memory/hard-drive probably will play both games on low - medium setting with a decent framerate...

If yall were in my situation with the decent fullsize case, and the rather cheapo p55, would you bother replacing the video card, upgrading ram and hard-drive to get some more life outta the rig? I listened to toms advice last time, and it fixed my 360 controller issues (replace power-supply) so I'm interested to hear any advice given.

Also I accept the fact that this is a huge W.O.T and alot of you are probably face-palming as of right now. So if you want to post and tell me to get a life, read some articles and guides, and figure this stuff out myself, I accept that as well! I pretty much haven't read much and have no idea how to build a computer or retrofit a somewhat aging rig.

What I can contribute, is that if you are a cpu builder, or am looking for some good deals on mostly tech (but just about everything else you could buy as well) I recommend you check out I found it at first from their awesome gaming laptop deals (don't come around much, but alot of regular laptop deals do come around) and I have saved a butt-load on electronics (touchpad, nook color, television, 360, ect ect ect) from there deals and posts. It's a decent community, similiar to other deal-finding sites around the net. They currently have a deal on a corsair case, some hard-drives, as well as the two above videocards.
That rig should give you a decent gaming experience if you don't mind no AA and 1 monitor below 1920x1080.
Asrock shows p45turbotwin

Ram should be fine and cpu as well.
s.s.d would help with load times and booting speed but not fps .

Getting an older generation gpu now will increase the life of the system for sure.
The newer generations of cards ,7000 series for amd is costlier but generate less heat and use less power. Nvidia s droping price on older cards and keplers not out yet.

775 Quad cores cost as much as sandy bridge quad cores
ddr3 could be used on your next built.

Buy a good vidcard and upgrade to ivy bridge when it comes out.
Locking this thread. Duplicate thread over in the General Hardware
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