Help - Building a quality server without getting outrageous?


Dec 29, 2005
My HTPC is exploding from all the HD's I've stuffed in there and I'm now completely out of space. I need a multi-terabyte server for my media and I've been inspired by some great builds here (Galaxy 3.0 and house of rage, most notably). I would follow their lead, but I'm not convinced I need dual processors or some of the other high dollar stuff that went into those builds.

I've started collecting Western Digital WD4000KD drives and would like to use them in arrays of 6 since they format to ~2tb and I'll be using XP pro. I'll have one group of 6 to start and will probably add another 6 within a year. Depending on what happens with HD-DVD and Blu-ray, I could see myself another an additional 6 drives down the road. So in total, I'd like the ability to run 18 storage drives + 1 system drive.

Can you guys help me pick some parts for my media server? I want to use Intel parts where possible as I am an Intel employee (Finance, obviously :) ) and can get discounts on a lot of our products.

Case: I need a BIG one. It will probably be a CM stacker coupled with some 5 in 3 Supermicro bay inserts. I've been looking for rackmount cases, but most won't hold enough drives or are unreasonably expensive.

Motherboard/Processor: How about a D945PVSLKR? How much CPU power will I need?

Ram: Same question. How much will I really need if I only use this server for storage and streaming video to my HTPC?

Power Supply: Unfortunately, I think my only feasible choice is the PC&P 1kw unit. Agreed? Ugh, there goes $500.

RAID Card(s): Any reason not to go with a couple Intel INT-SRCS16's? There's another $600.

Odd and Ends? Cooling? Am I missing anything?
I beleive you can use multiple power supplies if you wire them right. That requires some modding though, although it will likely save you at least $200. You will not need an insane processor, especially with a good raid card. Dual core might be nice if you will be runnign heavy gigabit traffic, but there is no reason to go insane. A low level dual core from intel or AMD (opteron) will do fine. RAM is also not very important, but make sure it is ECC (most mobos that have PCI-X are server class and have ECC, but make sure, no reason to put 4TB of data at any unessecary risk). It will cost significantly more per unit size, however. I would also buy a fairly meaty UPS, or 2, one for each PSU, especially if your power is unsatable, as bad thigns *could* happen to your system if it goes down improperly (more risk than with normal workstation I think).

I would be prepared to mod you case a bit. Though the enclosures should have fans in them, that hot air has to go somewhere (or cool air has to come from somewhere). Either that or make the fans blow out to the front of the case with intake vents on the sides.

In either case, be warned, this will cause your power bill to skyrocket if you run it 24/7.
Running XP Pro...sounds more like a NAS box for home use...I don't seen the need for full server grade hardware. Or is this in co-located in a data center, where you're want more server grade hardware, and accordingly, a true server OS.