Help! Artic Silver 5 got under my video RAM


Sep 5, 2006
I was putting on the swiftech 4870 block when i got some artic silver 5 around the ram. I went to clean it, but I think it got underneath. Is that ok?
it is capacitive i think, which something like cermique is not, I would clean it as best as you can and hope it works
something similar to this cost me my gtx260 :mad:

I can't recomend a way to get it out but be carefull and make sure it is out before you put power on the card.

I will never use as5 on a gfx card again.
Hehe...I killed a x850xtpe with AS5. I'll never use it on a vid card again.

Lots of alcohol and patience.
Why on earth do people still use AS5?!?!?

There are better alternatives. MX-2 is a superior paste for the same price and is non-conductive with no "set time" needed.

Why on earth do people still use AS5?!?!?

There are better alternatives. MX-2 is a superior paste for the same price and is non-conductive with no "set time" needed.


Well, yes, MX-2 is not conductive. Neither is AS5. It's slightly capacitive. Regardless, people have been using AS5 for a while now, and well, it's not bad so why replace it? The difference between AS5 and MX-2 is maybe 1-2c, at the most.

Personally, I find AS5 easier to work with.
I killed a GeForce 3 Ti500 by getting AS on the video ram.
AS is conductive at high frequencies due to its capacitance.
ie the frequency the memory runs at
Its most probably curtains for the card once the paste has got behind the memory chips legs.
I now use MX2 paste and find it to be way way easier to work with than AS5.
something similar to this cost me my gtx260 :mad:

I can't recomend a way to get it out but be carefull and make sure it is out before you put power on the card.

I will never use as5 on a gfx card again.

That is exactly why i NEVER use that shit.
Your best bet to be completely sure that you have gotten it all out is to use a cleaner designed for this purpose, it's called "contact cleaner". Something like this
You just hold the card at an angle, use the included straw (like with WD-40), and spray it underneath of the chips. This cleaner will dissolve the AS5 and clean out any debris that may on the card as well. Since you will have the cleaner already, it would be a good time to just clean off the entire card and start over with applying the AS5, and make sure to only use a small dot of it on each chip this time so that it doesn't squeeze out on the sides of the chips again.