Heatsink, CPU, no boot


Limp Gawd
May 18, 2007
I had another thread but wasnt getting any responses so here is another one thats more up to date.

I was having a no boot problem, drives would spin up but no video. I took the heatsink off being out of ideas and it booted, but when i go to lock the heatsink down it goes back to not booting. I can duplicate this over and over, basically if the CPU gets moved at all i have to reseat it.

A bad CPU or bad MB no doubt but is this a common problem with one more than the other?

I also now have a checksum error - restored to defaults error. But one thing at a time.
I'm not surprised you didnt get much response, I imagine people are steering clear of someone who runs his PC with no CPU heatsink!

Connect a loudspeaker to your motherboard and listen for beeps.
You more than likely have a short somewhere in your system. If the problem lies with the motherboard on a component level you'll need a new one. If the problem is a short somewhere taking your motherboard out and checking all your standoffs, and eventually remounting the board should take care of the problem.

BTW running your CPU without a heat sink is not advised.
so if you listed a cpu hsf with a backplate, my guess would have been the backplate shorting out your board.