Headphone Idle noise


Nov 7, 2007
I just got my Denon D1000's, and holy hell... these are incredibly nice for a entry level headfi'er. I wish I could do a review and say how nice it is, but I don't have a camera, and I don't have enough experience to analyze and compare with other headphones. =P
Basically, bose comfort, but with the sound that you paid for.

Anyways, among the low bass, details, and other things I haven't heard before with cheap headphones, is the idle noise.
Will a decent sound card fix this?(I'm thinking an audigy, sondigo.. or maybe even a usb0404 or prelude/meridian if I push my wallet)
Would my power supply or voltage regulators on my motherboard matter?

One other thing -
Upon buying these headphones, it was like I lifted up a thin veil off from the sound... Like lifting a layer of wax-paper off a painting(although not effective to that extent), and while everything is much clearer, and better in every way, I can see all those "imperfections" that were there as well.
YouTube videos of course - while with cheap headphones, the sound was muffled/rounded and bearable, it sounds.. well, worse than it ever did now.
Is there any software-based equalizer or anything that can kind of filter out the yuckiness from low-quality recordings like youtube videos?

One other thing - while recordings sound great, youtube videos just sound worse than it ever did before... the "bad quality" of the recording shows, and what used to be -muffled/rounded and bearable" is now torture - is really Is there any kind of software/based settings or whatnot