HDD Clicked To Death, Recovery Options?


Limp Gawd
Oct 6, 2005
Hey guys,

My cousin was complaining of a clicking noise from her Dell computer that made it's self noticed after a defrag. I suspected a gagging hard drive and looked for any other options to fix the problem before I went to buy her a new one.

I foolishly tried the XP checkdisk configuration, that led to it's death.

This was inevitable, seeing as the ambient case temp was beyond 60C. But after further research, i realized that I should have shut it off, and sent it to a recovery facility.

The drive no longer boots, and I am not trying it again. There are several photos and address databases that need recovery, so the question is:

1. What are my current options? (Clean Room recovery? Dell warranty?)
2. What $ am i looking at?
3. If this happened to you, share the expirience so i can learn.

Thank You- Swordfish
Last time I had a click of death (IBM Deathstar), I put it in the freezer for an hour(sealed in a ziploc bag), then after I took it out, I immediately hooked the drive up(electronics facing up) and pulled all my data from the drive. That is the only click of death that I have had where I needed the data. I just recently had a Maxtor 120GB drive start whining and grinding on me, but it didn't have any data worth recovering(Torrent swap drive).
You have got to be kidding me.

What pisses me off about that is the fact that I might try it.

Thanks for the idea, I tell you if i make a Drive-sicle
Swordfish45 said:
You have got to be kidding me.

What pisses me off about that is the fact that I might try it.

Thanks for the idea, I tell you if i make a Drive-sicle

He's not kidding you.

That's actually one of the recommended ways of trying to resurrect a drive.

And more often than not, it will work long enough to get your data.

If it fails part way through copying the data - then just re-freeze and repeat.

One guy had such a problem that he literally encased the drive in a bag, with the wires pluged into it ( guess that he sealed the wires some how) , and froze the bag into a block of ice.

He said he got all of his data back.

So, what have you got to lose?

The drive is dead already and a forensic drive recovery cost serious bucks.

Thats amazing... Im all over that.

I am actualy starting to believe this, got nothing to loose.
i've read several tricks on how to get data of a dead drive, this 1 seems to be the most common
too bad--- she found out a freind of hers has acess to a clean lab and he recovered it for her.

Ill never get my drivesicle.
The Freezer has fixed too many of my computer parts including a hard drive, voodoo 3 3000, Athlon Thunderbird 1GHz AXIA... etc
