HD6950 with strange behavior


Aug 25, 2006
Part in question is MSI 6950 Twin Frozr II, new.

When starting a Furmark or OCCT type stress utility, 99% of the time the desktop (Win7 64) hangs and then delivers a successful-driver-restart message. Sometimes the stress utility proceeds but usually the process has to be terminated.

Interestingly, when the GPU does successfully enter the OCCT stress test, there are no artifacts, and the frame rate is good. Failed entry into the test can manifest as many artifacts in the first rendered frame.

I have actually unlocked the 6970 shaders and again, if the stress test actually starts, it does very well (no artifacts).

Drivers are 11.9. I have stopped short of reinstalling Win7 but have otherwise cleaned up the drivers and tried a reinstall. Turned off Aero for kicks -- no change.

Truth is I have been out of the game too long to know if this is a software or hardware thing. The Google provided the idea that the clocks are too low in 2D mode, and this somehow causes the 3D transition to fail. I'm not sure how to create a CCC profile to test the idea, and it sounds like working around a hardware problem anyway.

Will the collective [H] brain help me out?
probably nothing to do with it since it seems like a driver issue but when running 6970 shaders you aren't running 6970 bios? i.e you unlocked shaders but have kept the memory settings stock for 6950?
What is your rig? PSU etc.
Also have you tried this with older drivers, do you get the same thing?
I sort of have a fix. I will probably stick with this since it's less pain than an RMA.

The error was "ATI display driver stopped responding and was recovered" or something close to that.

Create a profile in CCC. Edit profile .xml file:


<Feature name="CoreClockTarget_0">
<Property name="Want_0" value="40000" />


<Feature name="MemoryClockTarget_0>
<Property name="Want_0 value="90000" />


So that's 400 MHz GPU clock and 900 MHz memory clock. Save the .xml file and activate the profile. No more crashes when running OCCT or Furmark.
What is your rig? PSU etc.
Also have you tried this with older drivers, do you get the same thing?

I tried 11.8 also. The rig has been rock solid for about 2 years except in this instance. The PSU is a SeaSonic unit and I think I'm reasonably within the power envelope. I will try a different PSU as soon as possible though.
For the record, I ended up going RMA with this card. It started artifacting on the stock BIOS/clocks. The voltage was never modified.
My computer has been failing for this lately. Today, i went through hell clearing my computer of the drivers and installed 11.9, 11.9 cap2, and a fresh instance of my chipset driver. It finally fixed it. Hell, even my logitech gaming software works now! :D
This was happening to me for months with 3 different 5850's, then I got a 6950 and it stopped for awhile until my pc crashed at the desktop.

I replaced my power supply (Corsair TX650) and it fixed it. No problems so far.