HD 4850 Crossfire + Physics?


Jun 16, 2008
I currently have a DFI X48 MB with dual x16 PCI-E and one PCI-E in x4 speed. I ended up with four 4850 cards by accident, bought two on NE and then found out about the 25% off at BB for the Visiontek cards. So now I'm thinking about returning the two HIS 4850's I got from NE and upgrading them to 4870's. Or, I'm thinking of keeping them all and using three in my system (and one for a separate computer), two for Crossfire and one put in the 4x PCI-E slot for physics. Thing is, the only game I've seen make use of a physics card (games I use) has been UT3. I'm going to test it out tonight and see if it helps or not. Otherwise, should I just return the HIS 4850's for 4870's, get my $ back and be satisfied with the 4850 Crossfire setup, use three 4850's in my case, or get the 4850's exchanged for 4870's and use one 4850 for physics? From what I've read an ATI card can be used for physics, but I have not heard a lot about this recently, so I have no clue if it will work or not.