Having some buyer's remorse -.-


Limp Gawd
May 27, 2005
So I just bought a 8600 GTS OC, and yeah, after reading a lot of posts here I'm having some buyer's remorse.

But I'm coming from a 6800GS AGP. I pretty much play WoW. I think I'll be happy with the change, but I'm still wondering if I reallllly should get an 8800. Does anyone have a rough estimate of the performance increase I'll see just going to the 8600 from the 6800? Thanks.
hmm, i think it would be around 40% (that's being conservative) u should've bought a 8800 :(, but if its a EVGA card u bought you can try doing the Step-Up program
If all you do is WoW... 8600 should be more than enough...
I know I run WoW on a rig with 7600GT with 24 inch dell monitor at 1900 resolution...
and I still get more than 30 fps and game looks smooth enough for me.:p

But then again, if you want something stellar number fps, yeah 8800 would have been better for alot more of money.