Having problems connecting to Bit Torrent Servers


Limp Gawd
Feb 6, 2004
I've been having a hard time downloading stuff from bit torrent lately...I get operation time out on every single BT server...I have been waiting for 5 hours on each server...and have no luck in getting anything...I have a router...but I have opened da ports allready...any suggestions?
what is the error?

its could be that the tracker server is down, or the original seeder is gone.
most BT I have tried doesn't work, I dunno wuts wrong :/

I get error connecting to tracker, operation timed out
that probably means that the site's server that you got the torrent from is down or overloaded.

can you download anything from another torrent site?
I dun understand, I forwarded da ports...and i'm geting this yellow light on bt