Having issues with Firefox and videos


Fully [H]
Feb 19, 2008
Since around Firefox 10 or 11 I've noticed some issues with Firefox while playing Flash video. When a flash video is playing the browser is very slow in other tabs. When I open bookmarks the icons draw very slowly and often times while mousing over bookmarks the highlighting of them is delayed a few seconds. When I'm not watching video the browser is fine. I've also tried disabling hardware acceleration for flash, which neither has helped. I've also tried removing all add-ons and that has not helped. Reinstalling has not helped. This was not an issue in the older versions.

Any ideas?

*edit* It seems disabling Hardware Acceleration for the browser itself is helping. I thought this feature has been enabled by default for a long time now? I've never noticed problems with it before. Anyone else get this?
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This may not be the same issue, but I have always noticed a memory leak in Firefox relating to flash videos. They will play fine for awhile, but eventually, if you leave the site open, firefox reaches astronomical (1-2GB) memory usage and the flash video will "hiccup" every few seconds. Restarting the browser fixes it every time.
Fixed that for you ;)

Well that may be true. Sucks though that pretty much every site uses flash, either videos or flash ads. I downloaded flashblock to help, but it just seems to prolong the time it takes before a restart is needed.
This may not be the same issue, but I have always noticed a memory leak in Firefox relating to flash videos. They will play fine for awhile, but eventually, if you leave the site open, firefox reaches astronomical (1-2GB) memory usage and the flash video will "hiccup" every few seconds. Restarting the browser fixes it every time.
That's not my issue. Firefox/Plug-in container memory usage is normal. The only problems I've ever noticed with Firefox and Flash is that Flash used to crash a ton. Only when plug-in container was added did I realize how often FF crashes were actually due to Flash player. Since then though (past 2 years or so) Flash has gotten pretty stable in FF.
yeah i have had issues with firefox and flash video heavy sites... i might just switch to chrome so that if the site craps out, i dont lose all my other tabs