haven't OC'd in years.. going to oc my i7-4770K


Mar 17, 2011
blah blah.... back in the olden days I oc'd a bit but very little and I always seemed to get the short end of the silicon lottery and get well below avg overclocks... but enough crying

I actually quit hate the bios on my gigabyte Z87X-UD3H and my ****ing filco can't access the bios for some reason and I have to plug in a old SIIG mini keyboard to get to the bios... which is annoying

so I started looking at XTU which seems pretty decent actually

this is my mighty 3.9Ghz OC... impressive??

XTU.png realtemp.png

going to shoot for the mighty 4.0Ghz next =p anyone see anything "dumb" in the XTU settings??? cooler is Hyper212 temps seem ~fine just had launched realtemp in that shot while the CPU stress test ran on XTU.

thanx in advance for any help /tips
4770K can be a mixed bag but you should be able to do 4.4ghz I would assume with that cooler and real world loads.
Cache ratio 34 and keep an eye on your temps. Non-delid means you will most likely be temp limited rather than voltage limited. I'd just do offset of +.005 and see how far that takes you. My guess is it will get you close to 4.4 like chris said.
thanx .. so I tried 4.2 and BSOD pretty quickly (hadn't tried lowering the cache to x34 or the offset ... tried this and went with 4.1Ghz running prime95 (blend) now 10~ minutes no errors and showing 68c on hottest core.. which seems reasonable? may go for 4.2 again here in a bit.
hi again.. so I have read conflicting things about prime95 is it not a good idea to run this trying to test stability? is the built in XTU stress test enough?

and /or what is the stability programs y'all like best?

blah blah small fft test 10~ minutes hottest core 81C so ~reasonable @ 4.1Ghz?
no no dip switches... I might be able to mess around and try other usb ports ..etc or dig out the PS2 adapter and use that... however I have had a hand injury and it is too much trouble / not practical ATM... when my hand heals more I may try to figure it out but getting to the cable is a nightmare atm and I'm not motivated enough to do it now.

also mouse doesn't work in the UEFI bios either and it is super clunky (imho) to navigate.... for my purposes here right now the XTU seems to be an acceptable option for the time being.

blah blah my 4.1Ghz oc has passed 1hr XTU stress test now..
hi again.. so I have read conflicting things about prime95 is it not a good idea to run this trying to test stability? is the built in XTU stress test enough?

and /or what is the stability programs y'all like best?

blah blah small fft test 10~ minutes hottest core 81C so ~reasonable @ 4.1Ghz?

No I'd use an x264 loop to test with haswell. Or any test that doesn't utilize AVX instructions.
If you are using Windows 10 you likely have fast start enabled which could make it hard to get into bios.
  1. type "power" in search
  2. click "power options"
  3. click "Change what power buttons do"
  4. click "Change settings that are currently unavailable"
  5. Un-tick the box next to "Turn on fast startup recommended "
  6. Click save changes
  7. Restart
There are also bios options that slow down post and software like MSI fast start that should be disabled then uninstalled. Not sure about Gigabyte but I'm sure they have something similar.

Regarding Overclocking
  1. do not use any software that overclocks from the desktop do yourself a favor and uninstall all of them before you proceed.
  2. Go to your bios profile page or press F9 > yes to set optimized defaults then F10 > yes
  3. Enter bios again and set XMP profile for your memory. F10 > yes you can also set your raid or other special bios setting that are not default at this time before saving.
  4. Enter bios again and use these setting to create profile 1 name it my defaults F10 > yes
  5. Now you are ready to Overclock and when things go bad you have a profile to go back to.
  6. With your cooler I would not exceed 1.25vcore
  7. In bios Frequency tab change CPU Clock Ratio to 42
  8. On the Voltage tab change CPU Core Voltage to 1.25vcore then same tab change CPU VRIN Loadline Calibration to extreme then F10 > Yes
  9. Boot to windows, assuming you make it to the desktop run a CPU stress test other than Prime95 make sure your temps stay below 80c up to that you are safe. I like Aida64 Extreme but Intel XTU stress test is very similar.
  10. If it fails lower to x41 and try again if you pass an hour of stressing try 43 and test again keep going higher until it fails and back it down a notch. To be clear I've see folks get 4.6 w/1.25vcore but admittedly that's quite lucky.
  11. Now Run some benches and do some gaming see how it behaves if you lock up back it down a notch again and see how that goes.
Good Luck report back
k thanx guys... very useful stuff...So I'm going to try the fast start up thing, shortly .. I will give the bios oc'ing another go (assuming I can get into the g** d*** bios now with the filco =p ) .. so far I'd continued with the XTU a bit more ::

I seem to have 4.2 working as shown here.. haven't ran the x264 test yet but the XTU benchmark ran and the 15~ minute stress test has been running about ten minutes now with no issues temps seem fine

I'd recommend a little longer than 15mins. And running it overnight to make sure it's solid.
still no joy entering bios w/ the filco .. the SIIG mini keyboard I have laying about enters the bios fine (use front USB 3.0 ports) irritating...

so the previously screenshot 4.2Ghz isn't stable and it crashes when trying to restart... the 4.1Ghz seems perfectly stable.. I guess I will try bumping the voltage offset slightly and see if that get's the 4.2 stable...??

While I sort of agree with the poster that said I should be using the bios for this the bios on this board is drives me nutz and not being able to get into w/ my main Filco keyboard is also ticking me off, If I can hit 4.2 (or up to 4.4 w/) the XTU I may just live with this method.
Yeah the 4770k can be a really mixed bag when overclocking. Mine would crash past 4.0GHz due to high temperature before I delidded it, and this was with a decent watercooling setup. Since then I've managed to get it running stable at 4.5GHz with a naked mounted EK Supremacy EVO. Which also means that my 4770k is about as crap as they get. :p
well... oc'ing this thing is back burner for now...

not sure if it was related to the oc or usb ports just being grumpy, while it did finally get mouse / keyboard working in bios moving them to ports on a 4 port card hooked up to usb2 header..... experienced "badness" in that computer would have "audio service" error and volume icon w/ red x and more annoying windows start and search just wouldn't work most of the time...

after setting everything back to stock finally got my DAW and DAC's working again (i have a lot of audio stuff hooked up to this rig)... I think the problem with my Bluetooth adapter ...

blah blah blah w/ hand injury getting down on the floor messing with usb cables wasn't ideal, so now that it is working again I'm going to leave it for awhile and try again when hand is more healed / have more time.. but I will certainly use the tips I gained here at that time.