Have you seen this gtx 295 bios? Possible 5970 killer.

Any of you know where I could get the FTW bios??


I uploaded it there for you. I already flashed my card and am still running tests. Seems stable so far, of course this is going to depend on your card.

Some instructions should you or anyone else need it:

FYI, rename evgagtx295-coopftw1-dentnu.rom to ftw1.rom, and rename evgagtx295-coopftw2-dentnu.rom to ftw2.rom

The idea is just to shorten the file name, you can name them whatever you want...the 1 or 2 is important though as it'll help you identify which rom file corresponds to which gpu you are flashing.

Create a usb boot disk, and make sure to put nvflash, bios files, and cwsdpmi.exe files on it. Set motherboard to boot from usb stick...Then use these commands to save your stock bios files should something go wrong:

nvflash -b -i1 gpu1.rom
nvflash -b -i2 gpu2.rom

Once that's done, flash your gpus to the new bios using these commands:

nvflash -4 -5 -6 -i1 ftw1.rom

Once that's done....type

nvflash -4 -5 -6 -i2 ftw2.rom

It'll probably say something like vendor id is different, do you wish to proceed and force flash...just type 'Y' and enter.

Then you are done. Open gpu-z and you should see this:

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Thanks for posting the bios, I'll give it a try, hopefully I can get it to perform well on my Asus single PCB 295
Just a little update, I flashed the Bios of my ASUS 295 GTX cards with the FTW. Just a little correction to PS3's flash guide when flashing the second GPU, the command isn't

nvflash -4 -5 -6 -i1 ftw2.rom

it's actually

nvflash -4 -5 -6 -i2 ftw2.rom

I'm getting stable clocks at 684/1476 1080mem. I Furmarked for Benchmarks. The old Bios would raise temps to 78C for 90sec test with fan @ 100%. With the FTW Bios, They went to 68C, a 10C difference!
Whoops, my bad man, forgot to change that when I pasted it....definitely -i2...better edit that now. It's funny how a little bios change can change temps, lol. Haven't tried vantage. Are you using precision to monitor temps?
To monitor temps I have been using the EVGA precision tools,GPU-Z and the Furmark temp logger when doing stability tests.

What's the max temp I should be worried about the cores reaching?