Has Venice dissapeared from Newegg?


Limp Gawd
Aug 16, 2004
I just went to check if newegg had any new processors and I saw that the venice cores were not there anymore. Why would they do this? I wouldn't think they would take them off the website if they were out of stock.

Is it possible they are not selling them due to incompatibility with the mobos they are selling?
Umm, I see the following venice processors available @ newegg:

3000 Venice @ 150.00
3200 Venice @ 205.00
3500 Venice @ 275.00
It's working for me now. It looks like newegg finally got a retail version in stock.
i ordered one a few days ago it was there... still there now...

ps mine will be here tomorrow :)
I think its a website /connection problem. As the hardfolding channel can tell you I had the same problem as well.

The Venice option dissappeared from the drop down menu, but the chips were still on the site. The last review date they had up was like 2 weeks ago.

Their new site sucks a big one.
