Has anyone shoehorned a 850 ETX into a Lian Li V2000?


Sep 8, 2001
I did a little searching, and saw where a few thought about it. As it stands, the PSU leaves just about 1/2" room. So some modifications would need to be done, or some really bent wires. If anyone has dont this, please tell me how it went, and pics if you have them.
Use plenty of this:


Just kidding......sort of. Anyway. I don't have that case but in front of that divider by the PSU are those drive rails?
i was wondering the exact same question. i bought a v1200 (which is the same length as the v2000), and i'm gonna be doing some measurements when it gets here. i am also thinking about getting the pcp&p 850ssi.
Yeah they are drive rails. I dont doubt I can cut enough out for me to get the wires thru, just curious to see if anyone else has done it, and how it looked. Or even the slight chance that you wouldnt have to. It would be very close.

Whats the diff from the ETX, and SSI? Thanks.
fallguy said:
Yeah they are drive rails. I dont doubt I can cut enough out for me to get the wires thru, just curious to see if anyone else has done it, and how it looked. Or even the slight chance that you wouldnt have to. It would be very close.

Whats the diff from the ETX, and SSI? Thanks.

EATX (ETX) being an extended ATX form factor (5.9" x 3.4" x 9.0" deep) means they recommend a case 20" deep or more.

I was figuring if you could sacrifice some of those drive bays you could cut out and a small section and route the cables through. If you are careful it should look ok.
So whats the SSI? Looking on their website, it looks to be just as long? Same specs, different housing?
fallguy said:
So whats the SSI? Looking on their website, it looks to be just as long? Same specs, different housing?

Oops sorry forgot that it is short for Server System Infrastructure


Biggest difference that I remember for our purposes off hand is the 8pin 12v connector.
i think the 850ssi will fit the v2000 but just barely fit. i dont think it is such a good idea to cram it in too tightly because airflow is important for power supply correct?
Probably true. The HD cage is vented though, its not solid. If I do get it, I will likely cut a hole for the wires, and a few more for better air flow.
hmm okay, let me know how well it works. cause i'm getting my v1200 case on friday, and i'll be doing some measurements and perhaps some cutting too depending...
If I do get one, it wont be for a month or so. So you let me know how it goes. :)
ok, i just got my v1200 case. there is about a 9.6 to 9.7 inches of room for the psu. since the 850ssi is measured to be 9.0 to 9.1 inches, there is a little more than half an inch to spare. if you take off the psu/hard drive bay separator plate, the length of space in there is extended to an even 10 inches, which leaves about an inch to spare for the 850ssi... now i KNOW the power supply will fit, now i'm just wondering how cramped it actually will be with all the cables etc.. i may order the power supply next week depending on when i get my next paycheck..
like everyone has said - it will probably fit if you take out some of the hard drive rails
but if you do that, why do you need an 850W PSU?