Has Anyone Gotten Concurrent Vista Sessions to Work?


Mean Old Administrator
Jan 12, 2004
I'm going to be away from home for a bit, and I'm trying to get concurrent sessions working for Vista's remote desktop. I'm running Vista Ultimate SP1 x64. I've tried the instructions here:


But they appear to no longer be functioning. When I rebooted after inserting the replacement termsrv.dll, I got the "hosts file has stopped working" dialogue.

Does anyone have concurrent sessions working right now?
Gott, the files linked weren't "as-described" in the post, but it got me on the right path to finding a working patch, so thanks! :)

If anyone else has been trying to get this to work, grab the download here, and run the correct batch file for your OS version. Make sure you run it as administrator or it won't work. Obviously you're changing system files, so there's a chance you'll brick your install, so use at your own risk. I just tested it on a Vista Ultimate SP1 x64, and I didn't even have to reboot for it to allow the multiple sessions.