Hardware problems A64 rig


Oct 14, 2004
So I was moving my old HD over as a slave drive so I can get some of the stuff off of it, and while I was at it add both DVD drives.

So I added my od harddrive as my slave to my master, and set the drives as master and slave (brought over from old PC)

So I set it up, she's up and running Windows XP is loading........ then .03 seconds of Blue screen pop up and everything rests. I know it's not the PSU, as I've let my friend use it for his rig (ATI X800XT-PE) 2 DVD drives, and 3 Harddrives.

So I cross them ie. I put my HD as Master and a DVDrom as slave, and for my old drive I set it on the secondary IDE as master, and the other DVDrom as slave, and it boots up.....after a few rests, but it finally boots up, and reads the DVDs as CDRoms.
check your bios

make sure its currently booting from the primary drive

it could be trying to boot of the secondary drive, which still contrains your old windows os
I did that, I told it to boot from my primary drive, and it's still flippin out on me