Hardware Firewall


May 29, 2010
Can anyone lead me in the right direction for learning to use a computer as a network's firewall?

Thanks. :)
I'm not asking about a router.

Excuse me if I'm miss-led and this doesn't exist, but can't you take a Computer and make it operate as a firewall, with the added ability to do packet monitoring, etc. etc.?
My reply still rings true. While many of those distros will run as a combo router/firewall doing NAT, some of them also run in a transparent bridged mode doing firewall duties behind an existing router if you want to take that leggy approach.
A firewall is essentially a picky router - a separate firewall box like this would typically have two interfaces, and route packets between them if the rules allow it.

So what YeOldeStonecat said.
I see my mistake now, sorry!

I went to this link,
Sticky: The Router Recommendations Thread (Consumer)
