hard drive really giving me problems


Limp Gawd
Jun 3, 2004
*note* this is a long one, but please bear with me, i need to find out soon what the problem is

my friend brought over his computer on sunday because it was all messed up. I couldn't do anything about it, and finally he told me that it needed to be redone anyways. So i poped the HD into my computer, backed-up what he wanted to keep, and formatted the drive, just like he wanted. Everything was working fine, until I put the drive back in his computer. I got ME (yes, the poor bastard is still using ME) to boot off of the cd, and it would try to run scan disk immediately, well that failed right off the bat. So I went through dos, ran fdisk, redid the partition, and now when I go into the ME boot screen, it wants to format the drive, all right, great, PROGRESS! But damn, it keeps poping up this error after a few percent. So the next day, monday, I started it before i left for school, got back at 4, and it was at 43 percent, i was impressed, but i left and came back 5 minutes later, and the damn error screen was back (i don't recall exactly what the error screen said, i believe it said the drive had faulty sectors or something...i'm no hard drive guru). So i tried going back into fdisk, and redoing the partition and starting from scratch, but oh no, the volume lable has somehow changed to code that i can not reproduce with the keyboard, and the drive is 99% full...... So alas, i gave up for the night. Woke up this morning, put his drive into my comp, and formatted it. Well hell did i have a time formatted it, it just wouldn't go. Eventually i just started up the format, and went to school, got back, and it was done. Now i put his drive back into his comp, redid fdisk, and started the format, that was at 4 o clock, it is currently at 3%.

I'm thinking the hard drive is screwed, but i don't have a 20gb sitting around the house for me to try it with, so is it screwed? and is there any program i can get that will check the drive for errors? ( i can't seem to get scan disk to do it when its in my computer)
Go to the drive makers site and download their utilities. They all have something they refer to as a "low level format" Do this to the drive, letting it write zeros all over the drive, etc. If that fails, the drive maker should issue an RMA. If it completes successfully, boot from the ME CD (shudders) again and try to install it.
You know, I almost had similar problems back when I had a bad stick of ram. I don't know how much operations like that truly use the memory, but, what's the harm in running memtest for a few minutes? If it's as bad as that it will say so nearly immediately.

Just a thought anyway. Something to try before you have to go to such extremes. Probably not related though.
Yes, if the hard drive is absolutely fine, I would look at the memory next. Then make sure the CD is clean, and not scratched.
well, i've come to rest on the conclusion that its pretty well shot. I tried running some utilities i got from the Western Digital site, and now its just making a whining sound whenever its running..... Now i have to find a new hard drive, ugh......

If you do buy a new hard drive for use with Windows Me (rather than Windows 2000 or Windows XP), don't buy one that's larger than 120GB. That Windows Me, by itself, cannot support hard drives larger than 127GB ("after-formatting" capacity) total per physical drive.
the diagnostic doesnt definitively finger the drive as the culprit unless the rest are "known good" components
throw that HDD back in your machine and test it again with the manufacturers diagnostic

your friends machine could have, bad power, RAM, cable, or controller\chipset

but the whining isnt a good sign
Sounds almost like read/write errors in a bad sector if you ask me. I'd pull it and do a low level wipe with partitionmagic just to verify. I don't trust the ME installer, it seems to be tempermental at times.
Well I gave up on it last night after it started to make those whining sounds. But when i woke up this morning, the hard drive is working, and i am stumped on how it is working. It booted off of the Windows ME cd and ran scandisk, and scandisk actually passed without any errors (but i didn't think the drive was formatted yet...) and it went right into the installer. The computer is sitting in the ME installer right now, I had to leave to go to school, but it seems to be working.... But if it was my machine, I wouldn't really trust it to last very long, but i guess it will just have to do. Thx for everyone's quick replies, especially djnes for giving me those Utilties, they seemed to of worked... The first two i tried didn't run, but the third one flashed into command prompt then closed, I have no clue what it did, hopefully my hard drive in my computer isn't messed up now, I never had a chance to check anything.