Hard Drive problem?


Limp Gawd
Jul 24, 2006
Hey guys,

I just ordered 2 OEM Seagate 500GB SATA drives (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822148136) to put in my P4 system.

Initially I wanted to put them in RAID 0 so I started to a standard format. After 27 hours it was still in the 75% range. I canceled the format and formated them seperately. Since then, any time I try to transfer a big file (several hundred MB) to one of the two hard drives, my CPU spikes up to about 50% usage and the computer slows down significantly. This only happens with one of the drives. It formatted fine, seagate's diagnostic found no errors (the scan also took much longer than it should), yet the problem persists. I have tried reformatting it with Partition Magic and even that takes much longer than it should. Is the drive bad or is it something else? Keep in mind the other drive works just fine.

If you need any more info just holler.
Thanks for the help!
I had an experience like that not long ago.
a rebuilt computer was taking forever to boot.
I replaced teh drive and I was surprised the problem went away.
Turns out the drive took forever to (initialize?) become available on any computer I put it in.

I'd say just RMA the drive and get another.