Hard Drive Not Showing Up


Limp Gawd
Jan 12, 2009
I have 3 drives installed in my case (2 WD Black 640Gb, and 1 WD Green 1Tb). I successfully built a RAID 0 volume with the 2 Blacks, and the Green shows up as a valid drive to choose as a boot option.

When I open up My Computer, I only have one drive showing (the 1.28Tb RAID 0 volume). The Green is nowhere to be seen. I opened up the device manager to see if it was visible there, and it was. So, it shows up in the BIOS, and it shows up in the Device Manager, but I can't access the drive through My Computer (or the command prompt... it doesn't have a drive letter associated with it).

I'm sure that I'm just dumb and forgot a step somewhere, but I'm stumped right now. Any ideas?
Did you format it and assign it a drive letter in Computer Management?
Hey, it happens to the best of us. Just be glad it is something easy instead of what I've been dealing with for the last 6 months with my computer. Long story short on my problem, it resulted in me breaking down and building a new machine.