Hard Drive indexer


Limp Gawd
Jun 26, 2005
Is there a program that will index your hard drive? I am trying to make a simple list of what I have installed on my computer as well as the media folders that I have (music, pictures, etc). I am going to be moving certain data to a new build and I want to make sure I don't miss anything. Thanks guys.
Umm, I don't know if there are any programs that would make it any easier than simply browsing your drive with explorer.exe

If you're worried about losing important data, just ghost your drive.

Or a dir /s for simple stuff.

What I do after copying files to new disks/directories is bring up the properties for the root folder of whatever I'm copying (or select all if it's an entire disk) and compare byte size, number of files, and number of directories.

It's kind of kludgy but it works.

An extremly small, very fast and easy to use media cataloging tool. You can use it to index files stored on removable media (CD-ROMs, LS120, Iomega Zip and Jaz disks, or even diskettes), hard disks or net drives, and create searchable catalogs that can be used without having access to original media. Searching capabilities are based on file name, date and size. Additional features include filtering options, search duplicates or singles, customizable date format, etc. Found files can be opened (executed) or deleted directly, if they are present. Drag&drop support. Directory trees, MP3 album/song lists can be printed, disk space usage can be investigated. Single file executable, no install needed.


Perfect, guys, thank you so much. As always, the [H]ard come through with flying colors...