Hands-on With the ASUS N10 Gaming Netbook

Terry Olaes

I Used to be the [H] News Guy
Nov 27, 2006
Yeah, you read that right: Gaming Netbook. How in the world do they manage gaming performance out of a netbook? Check out this hands-on article and their thoughts after playing COD4. Is the 9300M enough to justify the “gaming” tag?

Today we have the base model in the N-Series – the N10. This uses an Intel Atom N270 processor rather than a Core 2 Duo, which means it’s really a netbook rather than a laptop… More impressive is its specification, particularly the graphics chip. In addition to the same so-so Intel 945 graphics found on other netbooks, the N10 also has a discrete nVidia GeForce 9300M graphics chipset – enabled with the flick of a switch (and a reboot).
I dont think the market for a gaming netbook is going to be anything like the market for traditional netbooks.
Looking good, but why did Asus drop say the EEE name from its and then at the same time drop the Asus name from the EEE?
look at the video it gets what looks like 5-10fps in cod4 at native resolution low details and 2xAA... chop it down to 640x480 and it will probably get 12-23fps at the wrong aspect ratio so everything is squished. why does he call it a playable?! this "gaming netbook" is for really old games with this kinda power.
I'd be interested. One thing holding me back from the msi winds or s10 is that they can't handle any games, and I like to have my wc3 running smooth/semi-smooth when I'm away from the "rig". Knowing asus though it'll prolly cost too much, and pricing it at eeepc prices will undoubtedly take away sales.
Looks interesting but why not use the dual core Atom and Geforce 9500M. Now that would rock...
The restarting for the graphics switch would be a bit annoying to me, but it's still really cool to have a light gaming laptop for so cheap.
I'd be interested. One thing holding me back from the msi winds or s10 is that they can't handle any games, and I like to have my wc3 running smooth/semi-smooth when I'm away from the "rig". Knowing asus though it'll prolly cost too much, and pricing it at eeepc prices will undoubtedly take away sales.

Warcrart III actually runs pretty smooth on the eeePC. I play DotA on it all the time. There are a bunch of youtube videos you could check out
That has to be the most absurd definition of "gaming" I've ever seen.

How can they market it as that when there are business laptops (not netbooks, granted) that will run games better?
That has to be the most absurd definition of "gaming" I've ever seen.

How can they market it as that when there are business laptops (not netbooks, granted) that will run games better?

Those notebooks are much bigger...
Apparently the size and weight are:

3.5Lbs 10.8"x7.6"x1.2"-1.4"

Maybe it's just me but for that size and weight I have no problems at all comparing it to small notebooks rather than netbooks, and it just ends up looking like a malnourished, low priced notebook rather than a netbook. It doesn't have the portability or price of a netbook, nor the power of Core2 using notebook. I guess there's a gap in the market there but it sounds to me like a waste of time.
Actually, I'm really excited about this so-called "gaming netbook"!

Obviously it's not made for running games like Crysis or CoD4, duh, but for many older games from 2000~2005 it's simply awesome.

I guess I'm just one of those people who likes older games and getting them to run on small devices. The smaller, and more powerful the better. I've got a top-end desktop with 24" for gaming, but I'd still love a small netbook that can handle some older games.

If it gets nearly 8000 in 3DMark2001, that sounds very good to me.
So I got mine yesterday, everything is running great, I am moving to it from a 1000H, but the N10 isnt responding to the normal overclocking tools for the atom on the 1000H, SetFSB and eeectl arent working to overclock the atom up to 2.0ghz.... any ideas?