Halo 5 is on PC


Fully [H]
Jun 7, 2008
Just a updated 343 studios added a server browser this past week to Halo 5 if you never played Halo 5 with a keyboard and mouse it's really fun. More so then using a controller which was the only way to play the game till this date.
Here are some screenshots from the lobby game is way more fun then IW and it's all free.
The best part about it there is no reason really to buy a X-box one for this game unless you want single player.

Here is the download for the game the download adds a app to the game which allows you to select Halo Forge along with other Halo games.



I just played the most insane capture the flag map it was just crazy pretty sure it was a custom map. Wasn't very fun except for the guys who knew the map inside out.
Been reading on reddit that the mouse control is fucked up with horizontal negative acceleration and the FOV is nauseating.
I have a small monitor to reduce Nausea 24" played for about 2 hours straight :sick::sick::sick::sick: