Halo 3 actually runs 640p no matter what.

Seems like if this title would of been released on the PS3 pulling this kinda stunt, people would be outraged and people would start spewing why the X360 is better. Yet when a title is released for the X360, its all about gameplay and all about not discussing its shortfalls. ;)

Bullshit. It's even-steven. Everybody looks for anything to dig on for any system, wanna make fun of 360? Halo 3 isn't true 720p. RRoD. MS still hasn't made a profit. They failed in Japan, etc, and etc.

Wanna make fun of PS3? No games to buy.Price. Sixxaxis.

Wii? Waggle. Gamecube 1.5. Party. Mario Zelda Metroid.

It's the same shit ad-infinitum all over the internet. People act like their mothers been called a whore when anyone has a dissenting opinion about their game system. I've owned multiple game systems all my life, and I refuse to back a side in a gaming holy war. Last gen PS2 held the majority of my interest, this gen it's 360.

The reason I couldn't care less about this little issue is because I can't tell without resorting to scientific pixel measuring methods. I've played it on my 34" tube, and my 1080p PC LCD. I can't tell and neither could you or anybody else without help, and thats why this is pointless.

If you or anybody else doesn't like Halo 3, thats not going to cause me any grief, it's not any less fun to me, or the 500,000 other people playing right now because somebody somewhere hates it and likes something else better. Just like if you enjoyed playing Warhawk, and I thought it sucked after playing it yesterday, that wouldn't make it any less fun for you.

Theres plenty to legitimately complain about in Halo 3 without resorting to technical nitpicking, but we've heard all that too. In short (or long, jeez) we should all just shut up and stop being such complainers.

I think the internet would shrivel up and die if that happened.
Wow, it only plays at 620 or 540 or my ass or whatever????!!! OH NOEs!

Guess what? I'm still enjoying the hell out of it! (except that I've been stuck on the same god damn part for 2 days now...)
Well i was Flamed for saying i thought Halo3 looked like a pile of Dog Ass, so i guess i was right all along.
Well i was Flamed for saying i thought Halo3 looked like a pile of Dog Ass, so i guess i was right all along.

HAHAHHAHAHAHA, I love posts like this. No, I think the people that still thought it looked good still think so. Now you're just posting flamebait.

I thought it looked good. It isn't Bioshock or UT3, but it looks good.
Can someone clarify what is going on here? Are there any 360 games that actually do run at 1080p resolution?

And does HDMI provide any real world improvement over what you can get with Component or VGA???
Can someone clarify what is going on here? Are there any 360 games that actually do run at 1080p resolution?

And does HDMI provide any real world improvement over what you can get with Component or VGA???

No clue on the 1080p question. This whole deal is that the game is internally rendered at less than 720p. It can be upscaled to any resolution you can run.

Om the 360 HDMI provides DVD upconversion as does the VGA connection. Both connections are also the only way to run 1080p out of the 360. As far as the games looking better, I could personally take it or leave it, and see no difference.
I can only think of virtua tennis 3 that runs at true 1080p on the 360. wheras thereb are loads on the ps3.