Half off coupon code back for Belkin.com

Doesent seem to be exactly 1/2 off this time..

Battery Backup with Multi-Computer Connections (1100VA) ( F6C1100-UNV )

$153 +12345coupon = 92

$61 discount.. not exactly 1/2
The catch is that Belkin has some HORRIBLE reports for customer service for direct purchases. I've read some on other deal forums and it scared me off from buying.
I got in on this deal one of the last times around and bought myself a nice KVM and a some other miscellaneous stuff. No problems at all, everything arrived in perfect condition and works flawlessly to this day.
40% off Belkin "list" price = price from other etailers like amazon.com or buy.com
I checked out the DVI KVM and cables, its still a lot cheaper from buy.com
Yeah, its not great but I bought a rack mount UPS from them and it was cheaper there than anywhere else. I used to work retail and their cables are like 200% markup or something rediculous.