Half-Life movie


Aug 24, 2004
I've been following the whole Doom movie thing. I'm very aprehensive with what they've done with it. The Rock. Enough said. At least it will be rated R. Hollywood has the great ability to destroy a good story in the name of money.

I've heard that there were a few attempts to make a Half-Life movie, but apparently Valve pulled out because the movie was shaping up to be Hollywoodized. I guess that if there is ever going to be a Half-Life movie, it's going to have to be made right. Has anyone else heard anything about a Half-Life movie?
the whole thing about a half life movie is that first off, gordon never says anything at all...so how would that really work? there is almost zero dialog throughout the entire game of half life besides the beginning and a few misc. lines here and there. next point is the question of why? not many people would actually like to see a half life movie, hell, right now, the majority of gamers are like "half life? whats half life?" cause they're all these little halo bitches..no offense to any halo bitches reading this, im just bored with people saying that halo is better than half life...cause its not...and you if you say it is, go look at the sales for half life over the sales for halo, and if it turns out that half life sold worse then halo, then i still dont care, because half life is better...bye.
HackofDestruct said:
the whole thing about a half life movie is that first off, gordon never says anything at all...so how would that really work? there is almost zero dialog throughout the entire game of half life besides the beginning and a few misc. lines here and there. next point is the question of why? not many people would actually like to see a half life movie, hell, right now, the majority of gamers are like "half life? whats half life?" cause they're all these little halo bitches..no offense to any halo bitches reading this, im just bored with people saying that halo is better than half life...cause its not...and you if you say it is, go look at the sales for half life over the sales for halo, and if it turns out that half life sold worse then halo, then i still dont care, because half life is better...bye.

Well... the Doom guy never says anything as well.
Can you smell what the F@nboys are cooking? :D Yeah HL Movie would make no sense.
Only good movie based on a game, EVER, IMHO, was the original Mortal Kombat movie.

everything before and after is, are, and will be doomed to failure
Komataguri said:
Only good movie based on a game, EVER, IMHO, was the original Mortal Kombat movie.

everything before and after is, are, and will be doomed to failure

But you still have to appreciate the genius behind the Super Mario Movie. :D
They messed up mars, portal to hell and killing demons. An EXTREMELY simple "storyline" and they fucked it up. Now think what would happen to HL. It'd probably wind up being a romantic comedy or something!!
There are good movies that would be made from games... but a lot of those games aren't as popular. I'd say Independence War would make an excellent movie. Game itself is old, centers around much skill with the use of your ship and its systems, and is very very very naval warfare-ish. You could EASILY make a good movie out of it.

A Freespace movie would be the second chance to make a Wing Commander movie that doesn't suck, especially given the Shivans are monsterous and evil looking beasts.

I would also say that a Warhammer 40,000 movie could have much success. If any of you know anything about this game, you'd know you can easily spend twice the time just reading its history than you would playing it. From the Age of Strife to the awakening of the Necron... TONS of material here to use, plenty of stories that could be scripted without any real need to bastardize... and there would be so much potential for more movies here.

I would also say that Rainbow Six, Hostile Waters, System Shock, Warcraft (possibly one centered around closing the black gate), Total Annihilation (which didn't have much story, really... but an all robotic cast in a military type movie could work well, kinda like a modern transformers movie without the kidly suck ;) ), and possibly a real Red Alert type movie where the time line is drastically altered from what we know of it.

Rainbow Six is a long read, was originally a clancy novel, and would probably translate onto screen is a somewhat chopped fashion... but still be well worth it. Some of you playin Rainbow Six games might then understand who Ding or the rest of them really are.

Hostile Waters had some good plot to it, you could easily turn it into almost an island hopping ww2ish type movie.

If you took say, Independence War and heavily modified it, thats where you can throw shit fits cuz that game has a great story and history to it.

Bottom line is, you can make a good movie outta lots of things, some games have really engaging story lines, Doom did not... no matter what you think of it... so i don't care if they modified it all that much.

If ya did a Half-Life movie, its the same way, there really isn't much to it, and it compares to Doom for content load. Half-Life simply presented it better. In order to make a better movie, you'd really have to contend with the plot and the content to make it shine beyond being a game. You'd have to make Gordon say something, and not just say something... connect with the viewer... and that means giving him a persona as well. Same thing they did with doom, albeit it sounds like they went ape shit with it more than they should have.
Gordon Freeman isn't mute, they just chose to make him silent in the game, because it would probably make it seem less immersive. What I'm saying is that it's pretty clear that if a Half-Life movie was to be made, it wouldn't become a romantic comedy. Read the original post. I think it would make a great movie. It would be like the Fly meets Blade Runner or something. Speaking of the Fly... Jeff Goldblum would make such a Gordon!
It could be said though that a movie made exactly to spec like the game would be a very dull lame movie. Any game, not HL specific.

...That being said, even with the option of creative changes...the Doom movie is fucked up.
If they made a HL movie you'd probably have to buy some sort of waiver stating that you can legally view the movie. But then you'd have to buy an access card to get into the theater and then they'd have to DL your access information onto it. There would be lines out the door because the computer system that dispenses the popcorn would have some sort of a virus that locks the entire theater down which then engages the Halon systems in the theater because the entire place would think theres a fire. The military would then have to come and investigate what happened and make sure that the movie is still in the bullet proof glass with laser trip wire grid so that no one can tamper with it.

It would end up in VALVe deleting 200,000 access cards and voiding the waiver's that state you can legally watch the movie because Gabe was led to believe that some one tried stealing the movie which caused the entire lock-down of the theater.

It just wouldn't be worth it.

*the above was meant to be funny.*
Whats with all the hating on the Rock?
Granted he was a cheesy wrestler, but he seems to be a good actor and the people that work with him always have nice things to say.
I thought the Rundown was a pretty good movie.
Moose777 said:
If they made a HL movie you'd probably have to buy some sort of waiver stating that you can legally view the movie. But then you'd have to buy an access card to get into the theater and then they'd have to DL your access information onto it. There would be lines out the door because the computer system that dispenses the popcorn would have some sort of a virus that locks the entire theater down which then engages the Halon systems in the theater because the entire place would think theres a fire. The military would then have to come and investigate what happened and make sure that the movie is still in the bullet proof glass with laser trip wire grid so that no one can tamper with it.

It would end up in VALVe deleting 200,000 access cards and voiding the waiver's that state you can legally watch the movie because Gabe was led to believe that some one tried stealing the movie which caused the entire lock-down of the theater.

It just wouldn't be worth it.

*the above was meant to be funny.*
And yet it would still end up on the internet a week before release.
I can see it now, Half Life: A Radioactive Love Story :(

Gordon and Alyx falling in love while trying to get Eli back.
yea the chances of them actually making a good half life movie are very slim. the mario brothers movie was okay but they still deviated too far from what i'm used to seeing, and as for the mortal kombat movie, it is indeed the best movie based off of a game that i can think of ATM.

also i just wanted to link this image from a previous thread http://ftp.protocom.com/halflife2movie.jpg
I think the Half-Life story would actually make a better movie than Doom. Granted the stories are fairly similar, but Half-Life just seems to have more of a foundation to base a movie on. As you play the game you get a sense of location, people/companions, unlikely hero (the Die Hard effect), threat to home, etc.
Doom is more of a 'im a bad ass marine who will run around and kill all the demons...because they are there' game.
Ed Harris, was that the guy who played the German sniper in Enemy at the Gates?

oh damn he would make a hard core scientist.
mr tanooki said:
also i just wanted to link this image from a previous thread http://ftp.protocom.com/halflife2movie.jpg
lol thats great but i think Hugo Weaving aka agent smith would play a good g-man and Helmut Bakaitis aka the architect would be a better dr. breen, sean connery has a scottish accent which dr. been doesn't have. its funny the preist in the game reminded me of jean reno. :D
redhalo said:
And yet it would still end up on the internet a week before release.
Damn and I knew I was missing something.

And Bill Cosby? Are you f*ckin' serious?


"No, no Mr. Cosby. Not A Jell-O commercial, youa re in a movie now."

"O-I seeee sooo yoooouuuu wannnttt mmeee tooo beeee Doooooooocccctor HuuuuuuuCKstable then rigghhhtt?"

"No, sir. You are Eli Vance. In the Half-Life movie."

"Eli who? The sun's lifespan? Ha----Ha----Ha.....Ked's say daaa darnnnndeeesssttt theeennngs."

And you know Colin Farrel's career is over when he's playing a supporting character in a movie that dies. Repetedly.
Moose777 said:
Damn and I knew I was missing something.

And Bill Cosby? Are you f*ckin' serious?


"No, no Mr. Cosby. Not A Jell-O commercial, youa re in a movie now."

"O-I seeee sooo yoooouuuu wannnttt mmeee tooo beeee Doooooooocccctor HuuuuuuuCKstable then rigghhhtt?"

"No, sir. You are Eli Vance. In the Half-Life movie."

"Eli who? The sun's lifespan? Ha----Ha----Ha.....Ked's say daaa darnnnndeeesssttt theeennngs."

And you know Colin Farrel's career is over when he's playing a supporting character in a movie that dies. Repetedly.
Way too much thought put into this post

Let the record show, that Willem Defoe would be a better Gordon Freeman...after Boondock Saints, this man can play anything.
HL1's movie would suck... HL2's movie would have much more plot.. i just think that the first hl1 would be much more boring in movie form.. an dafoe would make a terrible freeman

and they could toss in flashbacks to the black mesa incident to give perspective.. in fact, they could do a really good job where this guy just shows up and then you have to learn about what happened to him (him being Freeman) and how he got here
QHalo said:
Way too much thought put into this post

Let the record show, that Willem Defoe would be a better Gordon Freeman...after Boondock Saints, this man can play anything.
LOL Yeah, I was bored.
Will owners of FX series cards be able to watch the movie in dx9?

IIRC, Doug Lombardi summed up the Half-life movie negotiations like this (paraphrasing):

"We can get a decent rough draft going until the Hollywood guys say, 'And then Gordon falls in love...' We usually run screaming back to the offices after that."
why would you guys want to see a movie w/ a story EXACTLY like one of the game? i mean, haven't you guys already played them? wouldn't you know the story and not have a reason to see the movie then?

of course they have to change it up a bit because no one wants to watch a movie where the supporting cast dies in the first 10 minutes, because there'd be no dialogue. think Predator, w/ arnold schwarzennegar. even though the end has just him squaring off against the Pred, they still bothered to have a cast for most of the movie. if the Doom movie followed the story exactly, there would be no dialogue, no reason to pay someone like the Rock the amount of salary an actor like him demands.
Terpfen said:
IIRC, Doug Lombardi summed up the Half-life movie negotiations like this (paraphrasing):

"We can get a decent rough draft going until the Hollywood guys say, 'And then Gordon falls in love...' We usually run screaming back to the offices after that."
You forgot that Gabe then stands up on the table and screams at the top of his lungs while pointing at the Miramax guys, "THEY BREACHED THEIR CONTRACT!!!! I'M SUING YOU!!!!!" then he hops off the table and runs crying for the door.
Moose777 said:
You forgot that Gabe then stands up on the table and screams at the top of his lungs while pointing at the Miramax guys, "THEY BREACHED THEIR CONTRACT!!!! I'M SUING YOU!!!!!" then he hops off the table and runs crying for the door.
I have to say that I have respect for Valve for not letting Hollywood bastardize HL. Although I really would love to see a Gordon/Alyx love scene. ;) Maybe throw a little Lamar in there to mix things up.... :eek:
Vagamus said:
There are good movies that would be made from games... but a lot of those games aren't as popular. I'd say Independence War would make an excellent movie. Game itself is old, centers around much skill with the use of your ship and its systems, and is very very very naval warfare-ish. You could EASILY make a good movie out of it.

A Freespace movie would be the second chance to make a Wing Commander movie that doesn't suck, especially given the Shivans are monsterous and evil looking beasts.

I would also say that a Warhammer 40,000 movie could have much success. If any of you know anything about this game, you'd know you can easily spend twice the time just reading its history than you would playing it. From the Age of Strife to the awakening of the Necron... TONS of material here to use, plenty of stories that could be scripted without any real need to bastardize... and there would be so much potential for more movies here.

I would also say that Rainbow Six, Hostile Waters, System Shock, Warcraft (possibly one centered around closing the black gate), Total Annihilation (which didn't have much story, really... but an all robotic cast in a military type movie could work well, kinda like a modern transformers movie without the kidly suck ;) ), and possibly a real Red Alert type movie where the time line is drastically altered from what we know of it.

Rainbow Six is a long read, was originally a clancy novel, and would probably translate onto screen is a somewhat chopped fashion... but still be well worth it. Some of you playin Rainbow Six games might then understand who Ding or the rest of them really are.

Hostile Waters had some good plot to it, you could easily turn it into almost an island hopping ww2ish type movie.

If you took say, Independence War and heavily modified it, thats where you can throw shit fits cuz that game has a great story and history to it.

Bottom line is, you can make a good movie outta lots of things, some games have really engaging story lines, Doom did not... no matter what you think of it... so i don't care if they modified it all that much.

If ya did a Half-Life movie, its the same way, there really isn't much to it, and it compares to Doom for content load. Half-Life simply presented it better. In order to make a better movie, you'd really have to contend with the plot and the content to make it shine beyond being a game. You'd have to make Gordon say something, and not just say something... connect with the viewer... and that means giving him a persona as well. Same thing they did with doom, albeit it sounds like they went ape shit with it more than they should have.
A Rainbow Six movie would be amazing. It would have to be really worked hard on though, because there are dozens of paramilitary squad based movies out there. I would want the writer of 24 working on a Rainbow Six movie.. that would be AMAZING!
u guys man. the best game 2 make a movie would obviously be METAL GEAR SOLID :) end of story, close teh thread, not much u can say about dat playa
slowbiz said:
Half-Life movie
Will suck. Just like the Doom movie will suck. Just like most all game based movies that Hollywood gets a hold of generally suck. :(

slowbiz said:
I've been following the whole Doom movie thing. I'm very aprehensive with what they've done with it. The Rock. Enough said. At least it will be rated R. Hollywood has the great ability to destroy a good story in the name of money.

I've heard that there were a few attempts to make a Half-Life movie, but apparently Valve pulled out because the movie was shaping up to be Hollywoodized. I guess that if there is ever going to be a Half-Life movie, it's going to have to be made right. Has anyone else heard anything about a Half-Life movie?

Therein lies the problem. Hollywood has ZERO faith in these incredible storylines. They know there will be an initial reaction from the young and the somewhat young who grew up with this stuff. So...they take the idea, chop up the story, highly publicize it, then put forth bile and crap they call a movie.

If someone actually spent the time with these flicks for the sake of making something great...they could build a real franchise out of them instead of "One 'miss' wonders". :rolleyes:
-freon- said:
I think the Half-Life story would actually make a better movie than Doom. Granted the stories are fairly similar....

You forget, the Doom story sucked, while the Half-Life on didn't.
quiksilverx181 said:
A Rainbow Six movie would be amazing. It would have to be really worked hard on though, because there are dozens of paramilitary squad based movies out there. I would want the writer of 24 working on a Rainbow Six movie.. that would be AMAZING!

They are making a rainbow six movie. It is being directed by john woo, wich could be great or it could be horrible. I love john woo movies, but rainbow Six is about a tactical assault team not dual wielding gun slingers.

Warhammer 40k would be a bad ass universe for a movie. Hell they already have novels written. I would love to see a Gaunts Ghost movie, and that wouldnt be that hard to do.

Half Life movie, This would actualy make a good movie. Yes they would have to make gordon talk. But they could use this to expand on the foggy storyline.
