Half Life 2 Take 2: Feeling Sick


Feb 21, 2010
So I was looking through my Steam list and felt a bit of nostalgia seeing HL2. I loaded it up and played for about 30 minutes, but then I started feeling sick! WTF! I've never felt motion sickness on a boat/plane/car much less in a game? I've played it before and didn't get this. I had to shut it down and stop during the "water hazard" level.

Man I must be getting old...

Anybody else similar experience?
Yeah got it all the time when I tried playing the Half-life series. Got so bad at one point that I couldn't even play the game for more than 5 minutes without getting sick.

As such, I've yet to finish any of the Half-Life games. Damn FOV.
You are not alone i too get motion sickness from HL2, the only other game to ever do this besides HL2 was arkham asylum.
Low FOV can cause this although HL games typically not too bad for FOV, try expanding it a little, I cant remember the console command for it unfortunately, just google it.
So I was looking through my Steam list and felt a bit of nostalgia seeing HL2. I loaded it up and played for about 30 minutes, but then I started feeling sick! WTF! I've never felt motion sickness on a boat/plane/car much less in a game? I've played it before and didn't get this. I had to shut it down and stop during the "water hazard" level.

Man I must be getting old...

Anybody else similar experience?

This has been a reported issue with Half Life 2, it even got me when I first played and at that point of gaming, I bled FPS games. The problem is the FOV is set to low, at 70 or 75 I believe. Changing it to 90 helps with this issue.

If you type the following in console, it will help;

default_fov 90
sv_cheats 1
fov 90

You can change it higher than 90, as the human eye can see up to 180, so experiment with what works best for you. However as soon as you close out the game, it defaults back :(

I never did it my first play through, so I suffered through it :D
yeah i had this problem with this game to i remeber doing something with the FOV fixed it ok but i still got sick but took longer.
Turn off camera bobbing and you will be fine. Worked for me with 90 fov.
I take it that you're using a 16:9 monitor.


I will try the FOV trick; I kind of remember doing that, but in CS because someone said it makes the experience better. I just wonder why it didnt happen on my first playthrough (years ago). Also played a couple hours of CS last night for nostalgia too. Didn't feel anything.

I feel like maybe its almost too smooth. Just doesn't feel like natural movement like when playing BC2.
I just played through the first game that ever gave me physical effects. Playing Spiderman Web of Shadows and when take a swan dive off the tallest buildings would make me light headed and my gut would feel uneasy for a second. Kinda addicting. The feeling was as if I had really been jumping off a ledge.

I never had issues with Prey, HL2, Doom and the like though. odd!