Half Life 2 on a Geforce4mx?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 12, 2003
I read some article at anandtech where they stated HL2 is quite playable on a GF4mx in DX7, though of course it isn't the best looking game in town. Anyone here running the game single player and online on a GF4mx type rig with maybe a budget XP?
HL2 also plays nicely on a PCI FX 5200. I tested it 2 days ago and it averages about 40fps at 1024x768 with the DX8.1 path.

Excluding the NV35/38 choice Valve made, the game seems very scalable and still looks nice for each DX path. :D
Well...the GF4mx is basically a DX7 part. It lacks shaders and such that the true DX8 Geforce4 has, thus not being DX8. :)
I played it on a MX440 at 800x600 with most things on medium and got steady 40-50 FPS. DX7 definently looks the worst of the three however. :(
from wut ppl have been tellin me. when HL2 is playable online. during 32 ppl battles, ppl said that u will get lag even with a 6800 ultra. i really don't have a clue if its true. during the shooting if there is a huge battle.
I've only played it on my Dell i8200:
64MB GeForce 4GO 440
512 ram

12x10, lowest shaders, no shadows, medium everything else, and its cool.
shade said:
from wut ppl have been tellin me. when HL2 is playable online. during 32 ppl battles, ppl said that u will get lag even with a 6800 ultra. i really don't have a clue if its true. during the shooting if there is a huge battle.

yes it's true.. but only because of the cpu not keeping up with all the physics and stuff.. not the 6800 ultra.. and yeah i got one and i know hehe
ShuttleLuv said:
What kind of cpu does your friend have? :confused:
Seriously I doubt more than a P3. I don't get it. I get like 30-50 with a 9600XT
Glow said:
Seriously I doubt more than a P3. I don't get it. I get like 30-50 with a 9600XT

Your card of course has to put up with all the DX9 shaders and stuff.

I thought the game looks pretty decent though on a Radeon 7500 except for the water and the game ran well too.
A 1G up cpu with not too bad video crad can run,DX7 card also can get a higher FPS than a not good D9 support card
wow, so pretty much confirmed. so its cpu that lags... how do u think a 2800+ althon xp will do?
I finished the game with my GeForce MX440. I played in 1024x768, medium texture detail and full model detail. I had no problems, it was very playable. 1280x960 felt a bit laggy at times. The game looks fine without the shaders... Its the same game, you just don't get the pretty water effects.
I finished the game with my GeForce MX440. I played in 1024x768, medium texture detail and full model detail. I had no problems, it was very playable. 1280x960 felt a bit laggy at times. The game looks fine without the shaders... Its the same game, you just don't get the pretty water effects.

What CPU did you play on?

I also thought the game looked pretty good without all the shader effects. The bumpmapping is pretty sutble in that game and when you're running around it's difficult to stop and notice it so when it's missing it's not very obvious. Only thing that was noticibly uglier was the water but that was about it.
Thats good to hear, I just gave my brother my old FX5200 AGP to replace his GF4mx I'm glad to here he'd be able to play alright, which means that I may have been able to play alright, but oh well got my x800pro