Hackers Lay Claim to Saudi Aramco Cyberattack

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Is it just me or does it seem like these groups just comb the internet looking for places with ass-like security, hack them, and then make up the reason "why" later? Probably just me. ;)

The hackers said that on Aug. 15, they unleashed a malicious virus into Saudi Aramco, the Saudi government-owned oil company, in retribution for what they said was the government’s support for “oppressive measures” in the Middle East.
script kiddies... script kiddies everywhere (im assuming even the reasons why they did it are scripted) :D
I think it goes in an order like this:

1. comb IP's for vunerabilities.

2. Find vunerable IP address

3. scan network to see what's on there.

4. figure out who's PC's/network it is....

5. THEN Decide what to do, based on who's PC's.

ex1: some lame organization... make a public post with reason they hacked it. :rolleyes:

ex2: porn servers.... download porn... say nothing :D

ex3: hot chick's house... figure out a way to turn on her webcam :eek: