[H]|G Taking Management Applications

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[H]F Junkie
May 4, 2006
I'm looking for 2 (two) people to take part of the [H]|G Management team. I simply do not have the time to run this group properly and currently looking for people that are willing to take on this job.

Requirements: Must be active, have a motivation and determination to move the community forward, have a desire & willingness to learn, Headset & Team Speak. Not hostile to others, willing to bring "outsiders" including but not limited to clans or other gaming groups.

Your duties: Website, Voice & Game Server management.

Application form:
What is your first name?:

How old are you?:

Where are you from?:

What games do you play/have?


Describe yourself a bit and explain why we should select you.:


Why do you want to be part of the management team?:

Do you have experience with managing a gaming community? If any:

Do you have experience with the following, Website management and programming, Game and voice server administration?:

Did anyone recommend you, if so, who?:

You can fill out this application and post in this thread, you have until Sunday January 27th. to sign up.

If you feel the person applying would cause problems feel free to express your reasoning via PM only.
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I really applaud you for your dedication to this. I hope you find excellent [H]ers to pick it up & fly sky high.

I play far too many SP & MP Co-Op games to be helpful although I do have the enthusiasm for PC gaming.

Best of luck to all eligible candidates!
What is your first name?: Jared

How old are you?: 28

Where are you from?: Brunswick, GA, USA

What games do you play/have? Battlefield 3, Black Ops 2, CS:GO, Chivalry, L4D (1&2), Borderlands 2, buncha other games if I get bored.


Describe yourself a bit and explain why we should select you.: I am a ColdFusion application developer for a Technical College here in Georgia. I am married, have a son, 4 years old, awesome kid. I like to think I still have fun like a 12 year old on red-bull playing binge gaming sessions.


Why do you want to be part of the management team?: Would like to help out our community

Do you have experience with managing a gaming community? If any: No.

Do you have experience with the following, Website management and programming, Game and voice server administration?: Yes and Yes.

Did anyone recommend you, if so, who?: No.

Bash me if you desire! :) I just want to help out the community if I can!
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No one else? I would like to a get a few names and do a little interview but at this point this is kinda disappointing. =/
Might want to also post it in the PC gaming forum. People might not be seeing it. I would apply but am unfortunately an adhd tard.
What is your first name?:

How old are you?:

Where are you from?:

What games do you play/have?

Its usually a mix between BF3/L4D and DayZ (huge fan waiting for the standalone). Generally I'll play mostly anything else casually.


Describe yourself a bit and explain why we should select you.:

Lay back guy with a passion for gaming and community oriented events. I would consider myself a pretty extroverted person who gets along with anyone and is welcoming to people of any skill or interest.


Why do you want to be part of the management team?:

I think I can bring some fresh ideas and passion to the community and with a good team we should be able to grow our user base exponentially. As I mentioned above I'm a huge DayZ fan and I should hopefully be able to bring a larger user base to [H]ard.

Do you have experience with managing a gaming community? If any:

Yes, I've managed several large 50-100+ player groups over the years. If further detail is needed let me know.

Do you have experience with the following, Website management and programming, Game and voice server administration?:

I have used Cpanel and some SQL databases ages ago but I'm more familiar with server/Teamspeak3 administration.

Did anyone recommend you, if so, who?:
Myself? :)
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Ok, Everyone who wants to apply got to Sunday January 27th, I may move this thread into pc gaming section like spaceman said to get more traffic.
I don't want to be part of Management, but I wouldn't mind helping out by holding Game Days. I haven't done one of those in a while, mainly because the last 2 months weren't a good idea because of the holidays, and attendance wouldn't have been high IMO.
God I likely would have been a prime candidate, unfortunately I have a 3 yr old and an infant with a working wife. :(

I miss being able to play games like I used too
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