[H] BF2?

Usually every weekend for a few hours. Still can't fly worth a shit though.

Can anyone give some flying lessons... :D

On Texas Team Players, SF (Sovereign Forces) Highway Tampa servers a lot.

aka: Sabrewulf_#one
I would really like to play with some people over TS and actually be a decent squad.
I actually tried playing last weekend with a bud.

However, I kept getting kicked out of the game for a punkbuster error (which I tried reinstalling punkbuster to no avail. My friend's game kept crashing to the desktop.
Go to the punkbuster website and download and install PB manually. Should fix it.

Have you tried running BF2 on admin abilities?
I love me some BF2, I've been flying an A10 in Armored Fury lately. Used to hate to fly, now I can't stay motivated to be on the ground. Haven't played as much these last few weeks, still waiting for them to release a "final" 1.5 patch.

Several of my cronies at www.team-wwa.com still play daily. Squading up with TS would be awesome.
Okay everyone don't laugh. I bought the game like 3 or 4 years ago played a couple weeks then its all a bit blurry, but I believe something else began taking up my game time (drinking, gigging, gf [she was already eating away enough of it!!!], standard real life stuff ha). Recently a friend at work got some of us back into playing. We play on a server by the name of Robert Reeds House of (Not going to finish the server name because it makes it all somewhat disturbing).

So to finish up what should have been a long post, yeah I'd be up for some BF2. Though I still suck at the whole flying aspect of it. (Stumbles away muttering about upside down helicopters.)
House of aids?

Yea I joined that and while waiting for load I saw the pics on the screen and what was going on. MAN is that a joke or what?
Yeah, but it is a fun server, and the admins are descent. I have not seen them go on ban binges or anything like that. Also, they do no have a lot of rules. Really, they have only one. No commanding from tanks. The less rules the better for me.I hate the servers who are like no bunny hopping, no c4 yada yada yada. I mean if its in the game then use it, with the exception of glitching and other exploits.
My game name is RuskayaZaraza

you can find me in infantry only karkand servers. I play regularly in UBR and DAM infantry only.
I'm waiting for the new patch to come out before I play again...oh and for Punkbuster to work in Win7
Okay everyone don't laugh. I bought the game like 3 or 4 years ago played a couple weeks then its all a bit blurry, but I believe something else began taking up my game time (drinking, gigging, gf [she was already eating away enough of it!!!], standard real life stuff ha). Recently a friend at work got some of us back into playing. We play on a server by the name of Robert Reeds House of (Not going to finish the server name because it makes it all somewhat disturbing).

So to finish up what should have been a long post, yeah I'd be up for some BF2. Though I still suck at the whole flying aspect of it. (Stumbles away muttering about upside down helicopters.)
When I do play, I spend a lot of time on the RRHOA 24/7 Jalalabad server and I agree, the admins there are decent. (when they're on)

My screen name is [MW]Headache
tuesday nights usually special forces. the FTW server playing 24/7 warlord is ok and my groupd usually hits that up. We get a goup of 4-6 guys every tuesday night at 8:30 EST. If you join up look for [MLG]bigbadgreen70 join our squad(s) if we like you we'll give out our teamspeak but have had bad experiences in the past with people flooding our teamspeak server, which is why it'll take a week or two of good playing to get it.
I haven't played vanilla in years but you guys should check out the Point of Existence mod on Tues and Fri nights on the Tactical Gamers server. Hours of non-stop team play(or you're kicked) action. They tend to be noob friendly also.
I play alot of AIX 2.0.

Guns are actually accurate, but the planes are way overpowered.
I play alot of AIX 2.0.

Guns are actually accurate, but the planes are way overpowered.

My squad plays a lot of AIX 2.0, but we have so many maps on our server now I've had nothing but issues trying to get it running. Gave up months ago. Looks like fun however, enjoyed 1.0.
Bf2 consists of running into people. Them flopping to prone. Then repeat.
Bf2 consists of running into people. Them flopping to prone. Then repeat.

Play on a good server with well organized teams communicating and your statement stops at running into people. After that you'll be selecting your spawn.
I own it, have yet to ever play it though. I certainly wouldn't play it with a bum like you Rich. :p
Texas Team Players is the place to be. Just got out actually.

Just got bombed about one million times.....
i like bf2142 better. bf2 was ok...............but ever since bf2142 came out ive been playing that every day. gets frustrating when noobs cant fly the transports or cant read the tactical map properly. i do love blowing people up with rdx though lol or running people over with the car lol. i dont however rdx bunny hop! and hate people who do.

i think texas team players has a bf2142 server also. can you get me unbanned? i got bored and knifed a team mate one time!! one time and got perma banned.
It's really to bad no one plays the expansions.

Which one is your favorite? I still play a lot of Armored Fury, but I have to admit I haven't done any Euro Forces for awhile. I burnt myself out on Special Forces early on, but I still enjoy it on occasion.

The little bird and the A10 are keeping me in AF, if you have a favorite server let me know, I'll join you any time.
i like bf2142 better. bf2 was ok...............but ever since bf2142 came out ive been playing that every day. gets frustrating when noobs cant fly the transports or cant read the tactical map properly. i do love blowing people up with rdx though lol or running people over with the car lol. i dont however rdx bunny hop! and hate people who do.

i think texas team players has a bf2142 server also. can you get me unbanned? i got bored and knifed a team mate one time!! one time and got perma banned.

I just wish people would get in! I can't count the number of times I'm piloting a chopper yet despite plenty of people being around, no one will get in!

Which one is your favorite? I still play a lot of Armored Fury, but I have to admit I haven't done any Euro Forces for awhile. I burnt myself out on Special Forces early on, but I still enjoy it on occasion.

The little bird and the A10 are keeping me in AF, if you have a favorite server let me know, I'll join you any time.

To be honest I haven't played all the maps, but I do like the SF maps a lot. I love the buggy.
I'm gonna have to take that back when I said descent admins of RRHOA. They are kinda full of themselves, and it seems some will ban you if you show more skill than them. I talked to a couple of them, and lets just say they didn't put my concerns to rest. Oh well, your gonna have this with online games.
I play!

I think the only thing BF2 needed was a buddy system like the one in 2142. Do any of you guys have vent or xfire?