[H] Battlefield 2 Screen-Shot thread! [H]

To the guys posting screenies of the demo AND retail versions: Great, thanks a ton! now I know another game I cant play but want to... and will sometime lol!

to the people bickering, fighting, and gesturing, you remind me of the PKLs in AC. go get a life... :rolleyes:
The ones at Tyndall are for training and testing only, all the combat operational ones are sent to Langley.
Here is a shot from the backseat of the F-15 over Kubra Dam.

The laser guided mavericks absolutely kickass once you know how to use them.

this is how my 5700le stands up to the task of bf2:

*I'm working on getting a 6600gt
[RCKY] Thor said:
Here is a shot from the backseat of the F-15 over Kubra Dam.

The laser guided mavericks absolutely kickass once you know how to use them.
I'm lovin that shot. man i can't wait till i get my copy tomorrow
I'm bumping this because the poor little guys like me who can't even run CS and were peeing ourselves over BF2 need some sustenance.

PLEASE, somebody give me a winnie 3500+!
OMG i have everything i need for a new rig but that, and my money's gone missing... :'(
how do you do the view change when not in a vehicle? I remembered being able to do it in 42 but BF2 won't do it :confused:
You can do the view change when you're climbing ladders/parachuting, by pushing the "C" key.

I don't think you can while just running around on foot or what not.
that stinks. Was nothing better in 42 then switcheng to 3rd person as you ran away from an expack'd tank, taking a running dive as it blew up, hollywood stylee :D