[H]ardfolding Stats guide


[H]ard|DCer of the Year 2007
Jan 9, 2000
There seems to be some confusion on the stats, not sure why this exists but I figure I'll explain every step of the way so that the problem will be solved.


Last update time is based on when stanford ran thier last update, stats update every 3 hours, the only time it doesn't update every 3 hours is when there is a remote or local problem.

The color chart used to determine team condition,

Red = Less then 60 days till takeover.
Orange = Less then 6 months till takeover.
Blue = Greater then 6 months till takeover.
Yellow = Safe for now but being out produced.
Green = Safe for the present.

There are 2 sets of stats per team, Points and Workunits.

O = Overall Points / Work Units.
U = Points / Work Units gained this update.
D = Points / Work Units gained for the day.
W = Points / Work Units gained for the week.
M = Points / Work Units gained for the month.
G = Points / Work Unit difference between teams.

The View Production Charts link shows approximate future points / work units for our team as well as those ahead of us and those behind us.



This is a list of all members that have joined the team within the last 7 days.


The List By function allows you to browse stat info based on

1) Team Rank.
2) Update (Points) shows member points production based on this update.
3) Daily (Points) shows member points production based on today.
4) Weekly(Points) shows member points production based on this week.
5) Monthly (Points) shows member points production based on this month.
6) Update (WUs) shows member work unit production based on this update.
7) Daily (WUs) shows member work unit production based on today.
8) Weekly (WUs) shows member work unit production based on this week.
9) Monthly(WUs) shows member work unit production based on this month.

The Find Member function allows you to locate any team member simply by typing in the name they are using to fold.


This screen shows the overall team rank, points, work units, and shows graphs

1) The first colum is Team Rank, shows what rank each team member is on the team, it also shows a new icon if the member is new and a skull icon if the person hasn't produced anything in the last week.
2) The second column shows member rank movement.
3) The third column shows member name.
4) The fourth column shows overall points.
5) The fifth column shows the points the member got for this update.
6) The sixth column shows a graph or an attack icon, this is based on percentage of this update vs last update, if the percentage is over 100% you get the attack icon.
7) The seventh column shows the graph's percentage.
8) The eighth column shows overall work units
9) The ninth column shows the work units the member got for this update
10) The tenth column shows a graph or an attack icon, this is based on percentage of this update vs last update, if the percentage is over 100% you get the attack icon.
11) The eleventh column shows the graph's percentage.

If you click on a member's name you are taken to thier total information chart


In this area we see 2 seperate areas, points and work units

1) Overall shows overall points / work units.
2) Daily shows daily points / work units and shows a graph/percentage based on today's points / work units vs yesterday's points / work units.
3) Weekly shows weekly points / work units and shows a graph/percentage based on this week's points / work units vs last week's points / work units.
4) Monthly shows monthly points / work units and shows a graph/percentage based on this month's points / work units vs last month's points / work units.

Note: the attack icon means the member has produced over 100% vs last


The production charts show approximate future points / work units for this member as well as those ahead of him/her and those behind him/her.


Next we have the attack plan / threats list

Your attack plan shows who you can take over, who is threatening to take your spot, and approximate date of when these changes will occur based on your production vs thiers.

Color chart is as follows

Red = Less then 60 days till takeover.
Orange = Less then 6 months till takeover.
Blue = Greater then 6 months till takeover.
Green = Safe for the present.

If you click on a member name in either your attack plan or threats list you will be taken to a member comparison chart.


On the member comparison page your scores are compaired to thier score

1) Overall shows your / thier points / work units and the difference between you and them.
2) Daily shows your / thier daily points / work units and the difference between you and them as well as a graph showing percentage.
3) Weekly shows your / thier weekly points / work units and the difference between you and them as well as a graph showing percentage.
4) Monthly shows your / thier monthly points / work units and the difference between you and them as well as a graph showing percentage.

Well there you have it the complete rundown on the [H]orde's Folding@Home stats, hope it helps.

I will be adding new things as I think of them.

Webmaster [H]ardfolding
Lurker Extraordinaire
Now I know what the skull and the attack symbols stand for.

Luck..... :D
Now how cool is that? :)
Nice job on the stats King...why don't you add this great guide as a "help button" on the stats page? (It's a very well done help section, you really should put it on the page) That should eliminate anyone's confusion.

PS With a post that long, you've officially lost your "lurker" status ;)
relic said:
PS With a post that long, you've officially lost your "lurker" status ;)
Yeah, it's good to have King_N stopping by. I have to admit that I was pretty confused by the purple and red bars and the shooting guys, but this helps clear all that up. Thanks for putting in the work on the web site and this helpful post! :)
Ah, the murky waters clear ;)

Nice job man, looks great

haha you cant overtake me ;)

ty for the explination, this should probably be linked to from those pages also... for anyone that misses this thread...