[H]ard [H]alo 2 Friends & Clan Members

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
We need to start a [H]ard [H]alo 2 Friends & Clan Members list here. Everyone put their gamertag here so you can all add each other to you [H]alo 2 friends list. It will make it much easier for all of you to game it up since [H]alo 2 "looks" for friends online each time you start a match.

It is simple, just put your gamertag here...like so:

Steve said:
We need to start a [H]ard [H]alo 2 Friends & Clan Members list here. Everyone put their gamertag here so you can all add each other to you [H]alo 2 friends list. It will make it much easier for all of you to game it up since [H]alo 2 "looks" for friends online each time you start a match.

It is simple, just put your gamertag here...like so:


I'm CatsGoMoo. A couple people from here have already added me.

I'll also say that since I don't have an xbox communicator just yet, you'll have to forgive me if I don't respond when you say something. I'll be getting one in a few days, though.

and I look forward to getting some team games going :)

Do you guys have any favorite game types? Capture the flag would have to be up there on my list. (Seems to be easier to get people working as a team/fine tuned machine)
I've only played normal Deathmatch so far. I'd like to play some other types. In fact, I don't even know what gametypes are available in the new game.
George Kelly GF

Haven't played online due to midterms, but looking forward to it.

i will be playing all the time. not till later in the night today/this week. settin up the new Gamestop store :p
corran_horn314 said:
End3r Wiggin

I just signed up with the 2month free coupon, so i don't have the headset yet either.

Be sure you buy the actual Microsoft Xbox Communicator-thingy. Don't be dumb like me and buy a 3rd party headset and assume that the communicator plugin will come with it.

Guh. I can't believe I was that dumb. x_X

That said, I'm all set up now :cool:
my gamertag will be celit88

bought an x-box, halo 2, and the live starter kit on tuesday......couldn't take going to my friends everytime i wanted to play

i'll probably be on when i get home from my classes around 10 i'll be looking for some of you
So is anyone getting serious about a [H] clan? I don't have enough time to play all the time, but it might be cool to have a formal group to play with.
Hey guys, I am setting up a [H]ard clan. I have all your gamertags and you will all get invites soon. I will have a websight up soon too. ;)
Yea. I was in clan ODST during Halo 1. We were a pretty solid crew, came in 7th at te MLG philly tourny. Most of them will carry over into [Hard]. (There is another ODST clan and although we would slaughter them, we decided the [H]ard Clan would be even tighter.

I'm into the more specific match types though, such as Juggernaut (With Ninjanaut enabled...it's like playing a game borne from Halo/Predator).
WickedAngel said:

I'm into the more specific match types though, such as Juggernaut (With Ninjanaut enabled...it's like playing a game borne from Halo/Predator).

i just got done playing that exact thing.......with you......it was good times

i don't think i'd join the [H] clan just because i don't have [H]ard skills....yet
is there a limit to how many can be in a clan?
What's your screen name?!

That was an awesome match...the map was perfect for it.


Ah, celit. I see now. We've gotta add eachother to the friends list :D ]|[ Mar']['in ]|[ was in that game too, as "Agilent".

The clan limit is 100. Obviously, that isn't much of a limit...that's a huge-assed clan.
s/n = celit88 for aim/yahoo/msn

i agree that map was good......woulda been better with a couple more people but still fun times

damn we;re editing and answering ach other at the same time....i sent you a friend request so "it's in the mail"

100 peeps.....i'll join up with the [H] then!
Once we get more people together we can have the map filled to capacity. That would be complete anarchy.
whoa hey, you guys playing right now?

My gamertag: Ayen

Someone send me an invite, I want to play now.
my friends and i were gonna start a local clan but i'll see if i can recruit the best one of em all.............tom's gamertag is brick41 if anyone wants to add him.......we need a clan
We'd just came out of a game (Literally, like fifteen minutes ago). I had to leave to get some sleep (Which I'm about to do now) and everyone kind of split up.

brick was with you? You were both pretty good (He came in about 1/4 of the way throug though). I think we were all adjusting to the gametype...it's awesome, but that was the first time I had played it (I came across it by accident when I was reading the EGM review while loading).