[H]ard Folders: DC/NOVA/MD Chapter


/'s by 0
Dec 13, 2004
So who is down for some beer and brew...

At least we have the Fold-Serv guru on our side ;)
<-- In. I just (re) started folding. I was just saying I have to get in on some BBQ action this summer.
Crashsector said:
I may have a location for a BBQ... complete with a pool. I'll keep you posted.

yeah same here.. my friend just bought a house in pasadena with a huge yard.

we could always rent out a pavilion at a local park or something.. if someone can't come up with anythign else
Veeb0rg said:
yeah same here.. my friend just bought a house in pasadena with a huge yard.

we could always rent out a pavilion at a local park or something.. if someone can't come up with anythign else

Odd... my dad has a house in Passssssssssssssssadena with a huge yard. He's going on vacation for two weeks, I just gotta figure out when.

No good can come of this...

I'm about 5-6 hours away from DC... been awhile since I've been there...

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

<- pyro with a blowtorch

yup, you'll see the smoke. if not in real life, then on TV that evening.

definitely would be a fun event... i'd go (if i could)
i am all over maryland pretty much, and would be down to hang out and talk fold stories. lmao.
Electric Boogaloo
unhappy_mage (your bro too?)

Come on... I know there are more of you out there :cool:

Once we find some more people we will decide where (Maybe crash's place?) and when etc...
wifey and i will come down if this goes off....i used to work in baltimore a few yrs ago and know my way around both cities purty well.

besides it'd be neat to see the faces of the heel's i'm nipping at these days on the folding ladder.
rogue_jedi said:
definitely would be a fun event... i'd go (if i could)
KodiakStar said:
(your bro too?)
I'll let you add two and two. Hint: not seven.

Any idea of the date range? Parents are going to france for the second half of June.

Edit for k* who can't read.

didn't see that.. whenever people write stuff and there is no space between their writing and badge i generally miss it. :rolleyes:

what would be a good time for everyone? then we can look at places
Since I'm one of those nerds who don't normally deal with people, I might make it, but no threats.
Where should give a map quest link.
When a calendar.

Do we have to wear our [H]ard T-shirts?
Should we BYOC (computer)?
What about spare parts?

Despite being Level 2 Tech Support and company liason, I don't do well with people.

That said, anytime I can eat BBQ and talk shop / tech / F@H is a plus. :D I can flip burgers better than a McD's chump AND be the designated driver. De mad party skilz, I tellya!

My backyard is a swamp right now, and the basement is worse (damned "training" thunderstorms), so hosting is Right Out.
gnewbury said:
Should we BYOC (computer)?
What about spare parts?
I say YES and yes. More emphatic on the first 'cause it'll be more fun than lugging around the crate of spare parts.

How 'bout I take a pic and post in the swap thread? Then anything anyone wants can be brought and all the other crap can stay home. Post requests here or PM.

it'd be fun to do a folder lan party... though u_m'd have to install windows to play with us.
I'm in the area... but I'm too young, heh, don't have license yet, testing for my PDL-90 tomorrow...

Maybe in a few years :-\

*edit* w00t for breaking into the top 500!
Mind if I crash the party? I live in New Mexico but I'll be in VA for most of July.
Fenris: I don't mind...

PPatBoyd: Where are you? Maybe someone could pick you up along the way.
not something the 10th-15th of july (i think.... i'll fix the dates if they're wrong) cause i'll be out of town.

and ttt.
rogue_jedi said:
not something the 10th-15th of july (i think.... i'll fix the dates if they're wrong) cause i'll be out of town.

and ttt.

yeah same here,, i'll be in carlise for a car show


There are 5 weekends in July. The 2nd and 3rd I rule out because they're too soon; we might need time to get organized and stuff. Between the 9/10th and the 16/17th, either Veeb0rg or r_j will be out of town, so I'd say skip them. The 23/24th or the 30/31st? \

Crashsector, any news?

unhappy_mage said:

There are 5 weekends in July. The 2nd and 3rd I rule out because they're too soon; we might need time to get organized and stuff. Between the 9/10th and the 16/17th, either Veeb0rg or r_j will be out of town, so I'd say skip them. The 23/24th or the 30/31st? \

Crashsector, any news?

either of those are fine by me.

My possible location is open the entire first week in August. Dunno if that'll work for everyone else.

Okay, here's the idea. Post when you can make it. Try not to break the formatting too much ;) The left column is for Saturday, the right for Sunday.
Weekend of----------|23| |30| |6 |
KodiakStar          |  | |  | |  |
Electric Boogaloo   |  | |  | |  |
unhappy_mage        |XX| |XX| |XX|
DevilDoc            |  | |  | |  |
Veeb0rg             |  | |  | |  |
Crashsector         |  | |  | |  |
valhallaprime       |  | |  | |  |
derrick1623         |  | |  | |  |
I figure if we can't mostly make the 6th, then we can pick a park somewhere. Maybe post a location after the X's so we can average it out and get a low average commute time.

Edit: If you're not on the list but want to come, feel free to add yourself; a monospaced text editor is a big help. Notepad?

Weekend of----------|23| |30| |6 |
KodiakStar          |XX| |XX| |  |
Electric Boogaloo   |  | |  | |  |
unhappy_mage        |XX| |XX| |XX|
DevilDoc            |  | |  | |  |
Veeb0rg             |  | |  | |  |
Crashsector         |  | |  | |  |
valhallaprime       |  | |  | |  |
derrick1623         |  | |  | |  |
Weekend of----------|23| |30| |6 |
KodiakStar          |XX| |XX| |  |
Electric Boogaloo   |  | |  | |  |
unhappy_mage        |XX| |XX| |XX|
DevilDoc            |  | |  | |  |
Veeb0rg             |XX| |XX| |XX|
Crashsector         |  | |  | |  |
valhallaprime       |  | |  | |  |
derrick1623         |  | |  | |  |
Weekend of----------|23| |30| |6 |
KodiakStar          |XX| |XX| |  |
Electric Boogaloo   |  | |  | |  |
unhappy_mage        |XX| |XX| |XX|
DevilDoc            |  | |  | |  |
Veeb0rg             |XX| |XX| |XX|
Crashsector         |  | |  | |  |
valhallaprime       |  | |  | |  |
derrick1623         |  | |  | |  |
Fenris              |XX| |  | |  |
