[H]ard Folders: AZ Chapter

OldPueblo said:
I won't know if I can go till literally the morning of, whatever day is decided. My schedule is that screwy right now. :(

Thanks for chimeing in! Lets us know your watching. :cool:

DwDawg....Localan....waiting for some input!

23rd probably has the best chance of success for me.It looks as though that will be the day that best suits all respondents so far.

Sorry for the delay. When you get old like me your attention span starts to revert to being like it was when you were a small child.

News is, I will be bringing a few old skeletons as well as some motherboards (some new, some questionable) and processors and other stuff to give away to those who want it. Wife has mandated that it is that or throw it away.

oops: forgot the table.

Chart= Courtesy of Unhappy_Mage

Weekend of----------|16| |23| |30|

Mayhem33            |xx| |xx| |xx|
ComputerGeek737     |  | |xx| |xx|
OldPueblo           |  | |  | |  |
Localan             |  | |xx| |  |
ICE_9               |  | |xx| |  |
dwdawg              |  | |  | |  |
CBR                 |xx| |xx| |xx|

Just copy and paste this into notepad edit and repost with your updates!

Well it seems like the time and date have been set!!!! :cool:

July 23rd at the Cracker Barrel in Casa Grande, at high noon!!!

Looking forward to the day!

Heh, I know where you live. I'm not too far away.

From my porch I can see the fire coming down the mountain when its dark. If I had a camera I'd go out and take some pics.
I am bringing some parts with for trade. nothing too big. Just extras. Also, is anyone bring extras? SWMBO comming? Kids? Seeing-eyed dogs? Asking just incase we need to inform them of an extremely large crowd comming.

See you next Saturday!!

ICE_9 said:
I am bringing some parts with for trade. nothing too big. Just extras. Also, is anyone bring extras? SWMBO comming? Kids? Seeing-eyed dogs? Asking just incase we need to inform them of an extremely large crowd comming.

See you next Saturday!!

I will be bringing SWMBO and one kid...hopefully some parts as well! :D

Just found out I have to work that day. I will be ass deep in patch cords.

Have fun!!
I can't make it, either. My grandmother is in the hospital in Utah, so we've got to go up there.

Turns out she had an ulcer that she kept ignoring till it was too late, then it ruptured and got into the rest of her body. The doctors said her body basically poisoned itself.

She's a stubborn old woman though, she'll make it. When she went in to get it checked out, she just told the doctor to give her pills for the pain and she'd be fine. :rolleyes:

Maybe another time, guys. Sorry. :(
I'm out. I'll either be helping my brother with home improvement or going out of town to pickup my son that day. :(
Day before bump! I can burn a couple copys of Fold Server, EM3, or whatever programs you use if you can't download them due to the acursed dialup.

Parts comming with:
1 system - 450 MHz intel, about 96MB ram (I think), network card, vid card, case.
3 pulled HDs
4 CD Roms
2 Floppy drives
2 AT pwr supplys
1 ATX pwr supppy 100W (pulled from old HP)
1 HP AdvanceStack Switch 208T (8 port switch (10MB), 2 100MB ports, RS232 connection)
1 SMC TigerStack 3326TC Multi-Segment Stackable Hub (has 28 ports)

If you need a custom network cable, let me know before I leave. I have 300' of cable and caps.

I will attempt to get this stuff tested before bringing. See you tommrow! :cool:
well in reply to the last post our little party hasn't hapened yet. Also I just found out that I can't make it either, I have to help my dad cut and install a bunch of trim today :(. I really wish i could be there. Maybe we can have another one soon.
So, Mayhem33, Localan (maybe), and I have been posting our intentions on going today. It's at noon. Cracker Barrel on I-10 right at Casa Grande. Mayhem33 has 3 total coming. I will be the loaner. Any info on if you can definately attend Localan?

See ya there!

BTW, I will be in a newegg.com black shirt. leaveing in about an hour. Car is packed full of stuff.

See ya!
Getting ready to go here, I had planned on bringing some parts along..but I have not had a chance to sort through this stuff yet. I got a bunch of stuff for helping someone move.
I will have to let you all know latter that is up for grabs!!!! :rolleyes: Sorry! :D

So the very first meeting of the F@H AZ Chapter has taken place!


A good time was had by all, despite low member attendance! :p
From left to right we have my wife, me, and ICE_9.
Ya should have been there!

I had fun at work replacing about 300 patch cords in an IDF.
Thought about putting them on eBay but scrapped them instead.
RedShred said:
So who gets the shirt ?

Or shall I hold it for something else ?

Well lets see.....me...no....ughhh.....just save it for something else I say!
A fine prize such as that should go for something a little more substantial IMHO.

Mayhem33 said:
Well lets see.....me...no....ughhh.....just save it for something else I say!
A fine prize such as that should go for something a little more substantial IMHO.

Okay :)