Guy freaks out playing FEAR2 Demo

Didn't he do this with FEAR 1?

This is such a joke... who the hell gets this freaked out over a video game lol
Damn, I don't want to spoil it watching the video =\ So there's gonna be a demo?
I found the comment by Snakebite218 to be funnier: "I`m buying this game i beat the first one".


I couldn't really see what was going on most of the time there.
the game looks like a lot of fun, the atmosphere looks and sounds great, except for the idiot in the background :\
God, just watching this with his PC stuttering all the time drove me looks great though :D

Maybe it's the way he encoded it?
video stutters and lags too much, hopefully the pros (mack and mesh) will get back on the scene again with some funny videos :D
Thanks for those other links...I don't think this guy is faking it, but either way he is just freaking hilarious.
i actualy watch their channel some times on (where they broadcast). im pretty sure hes genuine cause i remember him being shit scared when he was playing shutter for playstation a while back.
I watched a direct capture gameplay video of the PS3 version and it stuttered quite a bit.

I been playing the Demo, and yes, it does stutter a lot....

overall, it seem the fps been dropping to 10-20 a lot....

they better fix the problem before they release for PS3...

else people will start crying o_O
The PS3 demo is pretty creepy.Feels a lot like the original FEAR..Im getting this one!!
dude that's awesome! LOL he was all scared, kept hitting pause!!!!

Can't wait to play this one, alone in the dark, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
FEAR doesn't scare you? Thank god I'm not the only one who hit pause every 15 seconds to change my underwear.
This may be why FEAR never caught on with me; I didn't think it was scary at all and thought this video was a put-on. Maybe I'm too jaded, but it's comforting to see that there are people that are scared by the game, and that it wasn't just a horrible game (which, IMO, it was :))
Whether he is faking or being totally honest I have but one thing to say:

What a freaking loser.
This may be why FEAR never caught on with me; I didn't think it was scary at all and thought this video was a put-on.
I found it to be a lot more engaging playing it by myself at nighttime, with headphones. Playing during the day with other people around using PC speakers kinda kills the atmosphere the game tries to setup.

Maybe I'm too jaded, but it's comforting to see that there are people that are scared by the game, and that it wasn't just a horrible game (which, IMO, it was :))
F.E.A.R. had an amazing plot (for a videogame, especially for an FPS) - worthy of a movie. Unfortunately most people who played it blasted their way through it without reading or listening to the storyline unfold.
Back when it was released I replayed it a couple times just to get a full grasp of the story, and I wasn't disappointed at all.

I did a write-up on it a couple years ago, you can read it here
Very good explanation. It was good to read and familiarize myself again before the true sequel comes out. Thanks.
so is there a link to this demo floating around anywhere? Pc or 360 i care not, i just want to scare myself shitless tonight.
K, this is the dumbest fn video I've ever seen thats related to any game. Either staged or this dude is a total loser than needs to stick with Mario Party.
This game has some serious console-itis. You can really melee with your gun? Give me a break..
My daughter is scared of just about everything and SHE has bigger nads than that guy! But DAMN that was funny!
God, just watching this with his PC stuttering all the time drove me looks great though :D

Maybe it's the way he encoded it?

Thats not PC, look at the controller when he pauses, looks like PS3 to me. :D
i have played the PS3 demo and never experienced any stuttering.

and i will admit like Fear 1 this demo gave me the creeps to play which means its a good game.